
Somewhat organized Digital/Crypto Art Notes

*Blockcahin Digital Art sites:*


- Marketplace, sell/bid/transfer
- ERC20 token with unique token IDs for each art piece
- unverified source code


- Create & Marketplace

- Marketplace 
- JOY's art and roadmap of JOY world
contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0x96313f2C374F901E3831ea6DE67b1165c4f39A54#code
- ERC721 with unique token id for each art piece - references 2d file of 3d rendering 
- marketplace locks in the ownership to be resold at a preset higher ETH price

*Display Your Art:*

- displays tokens

Like its own site
- https://thisartworkisalwaysonsale.com/

*Art Development site*


*Notible Artists*

Dr. Beef

*Art Innovation/Ideas*

registry for original copys.. TCR -- or just a better experience around registering a piece of art, and searching it

tokenize digital pieces

Connection physical objects/art to digital art onchain

advancements in digital art from technology (and how to dispaly through art)
- authentication
- transferability
- provable uniqueness
- ownership 
- rights !!

Given rights to token holders as ability to experience with digital good/art
- example: token holder can add a digital accessory to digital goods, creating unique or personality based creation.. an 
afterlife for the orignial created art
- example 2: transferability, showcase rights
- could even vote on changing the art, governance

connection between decetralization and visual representation
- Adoption (developers, users)
- trustless progress (openfinance)
- Decentralizaiton progress (social structures, )

connection between impact of the technology and visual representation

Is cryptokities art? Kinda, its really a game but aspects of it are art.. ex:someone wanting to hold and display a cryptokitty
What if you had a digital puppy that you could grow, teach it tricks, train him, ...Kinda a game. but,
a giphy of that happening with the puppy in the photo having that capability as through a smart contract would be art?
or maybe the dog itself would be worth more than a tradeable item and more of a priceless pet

upon receiving the token of ownership for a digital art it uses create2 to let you only do things a certain amount of times
like you can add a characteristic, only 10 people can ever decrypt the file (would be nuts if could prove the artist giving up 
files for certain), etc

renting digital art platform - artists <> dealers <> galaries 

testing FLEEK

testing fleek preview deploys