
Celo BPM plugin

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Celo BPM Plugin

Celo Blockdaemon

This plugin is for the Blockdaemon Protocol Manager.


bpm packages install celo



(depends on a proxy node being available first)

bpm nodes configure celo


bpm nodes configure celo


bpm nodes configure celo

Running Nodes

Validator and Proxy

In order to run a validator you must run a proxy first. To run a proxy call:

bpm nodes configure celo
    --network mainnet

You can get the bootnodes parameter running the following: (replace $CELO_IMAGE with the image for the relevant change, eg us.gcr.io/celo-testnet/celo-node:baklava)

docker run --rm --entrypoint cat $CELO_IMAGE /celo/bootnodes"

Start the proxy

bpm nodes start bpm-celo-proxy

Once running you need the enode url and public ip so that your validator can connect to it. Run the following:

docker exec celo-proxy geth --exec "admin.nodeInfo['enode'].split('//')[1].split('@')[0]" attach | tr -d '"'
dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com

Next we can configure our validator:

bpm nodes configure celo
    --network baklava
    --proxy_internal=<proxy internal ip, if none then use external ip from previous command>
    --proxy_external=<proxy external ip from previous command>
    --enode=<proxy enode string from previous command>

If running on same instance as proxy make sure you change the listening port on the validator to something other than 30303 as proxy needs to to communicate with the interweb.


A fullnode can be run using the following:

bpm --debug nodes configure celo --network mainnet --subtype=fullnode --networkid=40120 --account=0xf2334aae1b2f273b600abff9a491eb720d842b6d --port=30314 --bootnodes=enode://5aaf10664b12431c250597e980aacd7d5373cae00f128be5b00364344bb96bce7555b50973664bddebd1cb7a6d3fb927bec81527f80e22a26fa373c375fcdefc@

Attestation Node

Please note that --allow-insecure-unlock is required for the attesation-service to make requests against the node. Please check that the vm this node runs on is secure.

From the cli:

bpm --debug nodes configure celo --network mainnet --subtype attestation-node --signer 0x6e1a3ec5c38d006244eb2113547e26f69bd1a5d2 --keystore-file build/keystore/UTC--2020-05-08T16-59-49.101532000Z--6e1a3ec5c38d006244eb2113547e26f69bd1a5d2 --keystore-pass build/keystore/6e1a3ec5c38d006244eb2113547e26f69bd1a5d2.password.secret --bootnodes enode://5aaf10664b12431c250597e980aacd7d5373cae00f128be5b00364344bb96bce7555b50973664bddebd1cb7a6d3fb927bec81527f80e22a26fa373c375fcdefc@

Attestation Service

Note, requires the attestation node to be running and synced. From the bpm-cli: ( replace $NODE_URL to the node created above. eg: http://bpm-cold-cherry-5049:8545)

bpm --debug nodes configure celo --network mainnet --subtype attestation-service --signer 0x6e1a3ec5c38d006244eb2113547e26f69bd1a5d2 --validator 0xf2334aae1b2f273b600abff9a491eb720d842b6d --db_user  postgres --db_password foobar --twilio_service_sid foobar --twilio_account_sid foobar --twilio_blacklist foobar --twilio_auth_token 1234 --port 8080 --node_url $NODE_URL


To develop with this plugin.

First generate the config files:

go run ./cmd/main.go create-configurations node.json

This will create the following files in the repository:

├── celo.dockercmd
├── configs
│   ├── collector.env
├── node.json

When the plugin is called by bpm-cli there is the default location for configurations and data, usually ~/.bpm. But here there will be none as we are calling from within the plugin. So we need to create a node.json file:


  "id": "celo",
  "plugin": "celo",
  "str_parameters": {
    "docker-network": "bpm",
    "subtype": "validator",
    "network": "mainnet",
    "signer": "0xc1c048DE906CE7e3F99c1feC0651671ec91970F9",
    "proxy_internal": "",
    "proxy_external": "",
    "proxy_enode": "5aaf10664b12431c250597e980aacd7d5373cae00f128be5b00364344bb96bce7555b50973664bddebd1cb7a6d3fb927bec81527f80e22a26fa373c375fcdefc",
    "bootnodes": "enode://5aaf10664b12431c250597e980aacd7d5373cae00f128be5b00364344bb96bce7555b50973664bddebd1cb7a6d3fb927bec81527f80e22a26fa373c375fcdefc@"
  "version": "1.0.0"

Then run:

go run ./cmd/main.go start node.json


You can run integration tests on all nodes by running the make task.

First you will have to make sure the bpm docker network is created:

docker network create bpm

Then run:

make test-run-all

This will:

  • build a new binary from current code base
  • create all nodes
  • link validator with proxy
  • test all nodes

To test the individual nodes run (replace $node with the required node name):

go run cmd/main.go test build/$node/node.$node.json