
Skeleton for building a Hyperledger Fabric database app

Primary LanguageGo


Skeleton for building a Hyperledger Fabric database app



brew install jq


sudo apt install jq


  1. Follow hlf-service-network QUICKSTART instructions

  2. Configure environment

    make config.env

    Edit config.env to taste (see below for Blockdaemon CA-server setup)

  3. Build binary and make credentials:

  4. Create/update/join channel, then install/instantiate chaincode (only have to do this once):

    ./app init

Some things you can do

Start up a webapp

./app webapp

It should be visible here: http://localhost:3001

Set hello to a value, and retrieve it

./app set hello world
./app get hello

Store a file and retrieve it

./app store <key> <sample-file>
./app fetch <key> out
diff <sample-file> out

Clear out old chaincode

pushd $GOPATH/src/github.com/Blockdaemon/hlf-service-network
docker-compose down
make clean-cc

Talk to real external hosts and not a local docker instance

Set DISABLE_MATCHERS=_ in config.env, rerun make

Talk to a Blockdaemon CA server instead of using cryptogen

cp examples/config-ca.env config.env

Edit config.env to taste, then add CA server admin creds to ca-client/local.env:


Make it a bit more secure, then run make:

chmod og-rw ca-client/local.env


  • You may need to check out the repo in your GOPATH or chaincode installation may not work.
  • If you change config.env, and you are using ca-client, you may need to rm -rf ca-client/crypto-config
  • .app get/set may hang waiting for the transaction ack event. For some reason they go missing sometimes. CTRL-C to abort, the transaction usually went through


Based on the chainhero.io tutorial.

Requires a service network or a Blockdaemon hosted HLF network