
A Minecraft plugin utilizing the Spigot API to provide robust bot protection on servers

Primary LanguageJava


XProtect aims to be an effective and performance based anti-bot, captcha, and overall protection system for Spigot servers. It was originally intended to be just a captcha plugin, but has since been expanded way further.


  • Java 8 or above.
  • A spigot server running >= Spigot 1.8


While you are free to compile the plugin from here and use it on your server, it would be highly appreciated if you could support me and my work by buying it on Spigot (https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/67863/). After adding the jar on your server, you should configure the config.yml and rest configuration files to your liking. You are ready to go!

In action

These are a few images demonstrating the plugin in action. You can also test it yourself by joining my minecraft server at lagbug.me

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