
Number formatting module for Roblox Luau.

Primary LanguageLuaBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


This is a number formatting module for Roblox.

Main API (FormatNumber.Main)


The class to format the numbers, located in FormatNumber.NumberFormatter.

Static methods

function NumberFormatter.with(): NumberFormatter Creates a new number formatter with the default setting.

function NumberFormatter.forSkeleton(skeleton: string): (boolean, NumberFormatter | string) Tries to create a new number formatter with the skeleton string provided. If unsuccessful (e.g. the skeleton syntax is invalid) then it returns false and a message string, otherwise it returns true and the NumberFormatter. See the Number Skeletons section of this API documentation for the skeleton syntax.


function NumberFormatter:Format(value: string): string The number to format, it could be any Luau number. It accounts for negative numbers, infinities, and NaNs. It returns string instead of FormattedNumber to simplify the implementation of module. function NumberFormatter:ToSkeleton(): (boolean, string) Tries to convert it to skeleton. If it is unable to (like the settings having compact notation or symbols) then the first value will return false and a message stating that it is unsupported. If it's successful then the first value will return true and the second value will return the skeleton.

Settings chain methods

These are methods that returns NumberFormatter with the specific settings changed. Calling the methods doesn’t change the NumberFormatter object itself as it is immutable so you have to use the NumberFormatter that it returned.

function NumberFormatter:Notation(notation: FormatNumber.Notation): NumberFormatter See Notation. function NumberFormatter:Precision(precision: FormatNumber.Precision): NumberFormatter See Precision. function NumberFormatter:RoundingMode(roundingMode: FormatNumber.RoundingMode): NumberFormatter See FormatNumber.RoundingMode enum. function NumberFormatter:Grouping(strategy: FormatNumber.GroupingStrategy): NumberFormatter See FormatNumber.GroupingStrategy enum. function NumberFormatter:IntegerWidth(style: FormatNumber.IntegerWidth): NumberFormatter See IntegerWidth. function NumberFormatter:Sign(style: FormatNumber.SignDisplay): NumberFormatter See FormatNumber.SignDisplay enum. function NumberFormatter:Decimal(style: FormatNumber.DecimalSeparatorDisplay): NumberFormatter See FormatNumber.DecimalSeparatorDisplay enum.


These specify how the number is rendered, located in FormatNumber.Notation.

Static methods

function Notation.scientific(): ScientificNotation function Notation.engineering(): ScientificNotation Scientific notation and the engineering version of it respectively. Uses E as the exponent separator but you can change this through the Symbols settings.

function Notation.compactWithSuffixThousands(suffixTable: {string}): CompactNotation Basically abbreviations with suffix appended, scaling by every thousands as the suffix changes. The suffixTable argument does not respect the __index metamethod nor the __len metamethod.

function Notation.simple(): SimpleNotation The standard formatting without any scaling. The default.

ScientificNotation (methods)

ScientificNotation is a subclass of Notation.

function ScientificNotation:WithMinExponentDigits(minExponetDigits: number): ScientificNotation The minimum, padding with zeroes if necessary.

function ScientificNotation:WithExponentSignDisplay(FormatNumber.SignDisplay exponentSignDisplay): ScientificNotation See FormatNumber.SignDisplay enum.

CompactNotation (methods)

No methods currently but this is created just in case. This is a subclass of Notation.

SimpleNotation (methods)

No methods currently but this is created just in case. This is a subclass of Notation.


These are precision settings and changes to what places/figures the number rounds to, located in FormatNumber.Precision. The default is Precision.integer():WithMinDigits(2) for abbreviations and Precision.maxFraction(6) otherwise (for compatibility reasons).

Static methods

function Precision.integer(): FractionPrecision Rounds the number to the nearest integer

function Precision.minFraction(minFractionDigits: number): FractionPrecision function Precision.maxFraction(maxFractionDigits: number): FractionPrecision function Precision.minMaxFraction(minFractionDigits: number, maxFractionDigits: number): FractionPrecision function Precision.fixedFraction(fixedFractionDigits: number): FractionPrecision Rounds the number to a certain fractional digits (or decimal places), min is the minimum fractional (decimal) digits to show, max is the fractional digits (decimal places) to round, fixed refers to both min and max.

function Precision.minSignificantDigits(minSignificantDigits: number): SignificantDigitsPrecision function Precision.maxSignificantDigits(maxSignificantDigits: number): SignificantDigitsPrecision function Precision.minMaxSignificantDigits(minSignificantDigits: number, maxSignificantDigits: number): SignificantDigitsPrecision function Precision.fixedFraction(fixedSignificantDigits: number): SignificantDigitsPrecision Round the number to a certain significant digits; min, max, and fixed are specified above but with significant digits.

function Precision.unlimited(): Precision Show all available digits to its full precision.

FractionPrecision (methods)

FractionPrecision is subclass of Precision with more options for the fractional (decimal) digits precision. Calling these methods is not required.

function FractionPrecision:WithMinDigits(minSignificantDigits: number): Precision Round to the decimal places specified by the FractionPrecision object but keep at least the amount of significant digit specified by the argument.

function FractionPrecision:WithMaxDigits(maxSignificantDigits: number): Precision Round to the decimal places specified by the FractionPrecision object but don’t keep any more the amount of significant digit specified by the argument.

SignificantDigitsPrecision (methods)

No methods currently but this is created just in case. This is a subclass of Precision.


Static methods

function IntegerWidth.zeroFillTo(minInt: number): IntegerWidth Zero fill numbers at the integer part of the number to guarantee at least certain digit in the integer part of the number.


function IntegerWidth:TruncateAt(maxInt: number): IntegerWidth Truncates the integer part of the number to certain digits.


The associated numbers in all these enums are an implementation detail, please do not rely on them so instead of using 0, use FormatNumber.SignDisplay.AUTO.


This determines how the grouping separator (comma by default) is inserted - integer part only. There are three options.

  • OFF - no grouping.
  • MIN2 - grouping only on 5 digits or above. (default for compact notation - for compatibility reasons)
  • ON_ALIGNED - always group the value. (default unless it’s compact notation)


Grouping strategy 123 1234 12345 123456 1234567
OFF 123 1234 12345 123456 1234567
MIN2 123 1234 12,345 123,456 1,234,567
ON_ALIGNED 123 1,234 12,345 123,456 1,234,567


This determines how you display the plus sign (+) and the minus sign (-):

  • AUTO - Displays the minus sign only if the value is negative (that includes -0 and -NaN). (default)
  • ALWAYS - Displays the plus/minus sign on all values.
  • NEVER - Don’t display the plus/minus sign.
  • EXCEPT_ZERO - Display the plus/minus sign on all values except zero, numbers that round to zero and NaN.
  • NEGATIVE - Display the minus sign only if the value is negative but do not display the minus sign on -0 and -NaN.


Sign display +12 -12 +0 -0
AUTO 12 -12 0 -0
ALWAYS +12 -12 +0 -0
NEVER 12 12 0 0
EXCEPT_ZERO +12 -12 0 0
NEGATIVE 12 -12 0 0


This determines the rounding mode. I only documented three rounding modes but there are others undocumented if you need it.

  • HALF_EVEN - Round it to the nearest even if it’s in the midpoint, round it up if it’s above the midpoint and down otherwise. (default unless it’s compact or scientific/engineering notation)
  • HALF_UP - Round it away from zero if it’s in the midpoint or above, down otherwise. (most familiar, this is probably the method you are taught at school)
  • DOWN - Round the value towards zero (truncates the value). (default for compact and scientific/engineering notation)


Rounding mode 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.8
HALF_EVEN 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0
HALF_UP 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0
DOWN 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0


This determines how the decimal separator (. by default) is displayed.

  • AUTO - only show the decimal separators if there are at least one digits after it (default)
  • ALWAYS - always display the decimal separator, even if there's no digits after it


Decimal separator display 1 1.5
AUTO 1 1.5
ALWAYS 1. 1.5

Simple API (FormatNumberFolder.Simple)

function FormatNumber.Format(value: number, skeleton: string?): string Formats a number with the skeleton settings if provided. See the Number Skeletons section of this API documentation for the skeleton syntax.

function FormatNumber.FormatCompact(value: number, skeleton: string?): string Formats a number in compact notation. You'll need to provide the suffixes in the Simple ModuleScript. Multiple instances of suffixes are not supported See the Number Skeletons section of this API documentation for the full skeleton syntax, but here's the several skeleton syntax for quick reference if you want to change precision (e.g. decimal places)

Skeleton Precision description
precision-integer no decimal places
precision-integer/@@* whatever returns the longer result out of no decimal places and 2 significant digits (default)
.# 1 decimal place
.## 2 decimal places
.### 3 decimal places
@# 2 significant digits
@## 3 significant digits

Number Skeletons

This feature is introduced in version 31. The syntax is identical to the one used in ICU, so you can use this page for reference: https://unicode-org.github.io/icu/userguide/format_parse/numbers/skeletons.html#skeleton-stems-and-options See the Main API documentation for the settings. Do note that for this module, it only supports the following part of the Skeleton Stems and Options of the page linked:

  • Notation (but ignore compact-short/K and compact-long/KK as that's not supported)
  • Precision (but ignore precision-increment/dddd, precision-currency, precision-currency-cash, and Trailing Zero Display as that's not supported)
  • Rounding Mode (but ignore rounding-mode-unnecessary as that's not supported)
  • Integer Width
  • Grouping (but ignore group-auto and group-thousands as that's not supported)
  • Sign Display (but ignore any accounting sign display)
  • Decimal Separator Display