
:bar_chart: Embed your GitHub calendar everywhere.

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Embed your GitHub contributions calendar anywhere.

Everybodywell, haters gonna hate loves GitHub and everybody loves stats. So, why not making the GitHub contributions calendar available for being embeded in your web pages? Now you can. 🎉

☁️ Installation

Check out the dist directory to download the needed files and include them on your page.

If you're using this module in a CommonJS environment, you can install it using npm or yarn and require it:

# Using npm
npm install --save github-calendar

# Using yarn
yarn add github-calendar
<!-- Include the library. -->

<!-- Optionally, include the theme (if you don't want to struggle to write the CSS) -->

<!-- Prepare a container for your calendar. -->
<div class="calendar">
    <!-- Loading stuff -->
    Loading the data just for you.

    GitHubCalendar(".calendar", "your-username");

    // or enable responsive functionality:
    GitHubCalendar(".calendar", "your-username", { responsive: true });

    // Use a proxy
    GitHubCalendar(".calendar", "your-username", {
       proxy (username) {
         return fetch(`https://your-proxy.com/github?user=${username}`)
    }).then(r => r.text())

Here you can see this example in action.

❓ Get Help

There are few ways to get help:

  1. Please post questions on Stack Overflow. You can open issues with questions, as long you add a link to your Stack Overflow question.
  2. For bug reports and feature requests, open issues. 🐛

📝 Documentation

GitHubCalendar(container, username, options)

Brings the contributions calendar from GitHub (provided username) into your page.


  • String|HTMLElement container: The calendar container (query selector or the element itself).
  • String username: The GitHub username.
  • Object options: An object containing the following fields:
    • summary_text (String): The text that appears under the calendar (defaults to: "Summary of pull requests, issues opened, and commits made by <username>").
    • proxy (Function): A function that receives as argument the username (string) and should return a promise resolving the HTML content of the contributions page. The default is using @Bloggify's APIs.
    • global_stats (Boolean): If false, the global stats (total, longest and current streaks) will not be calculated and displayed. By default this is enabled.
    • responsive (Boolean): If true, the graph is changed to scale with the container. Custom CSS should be applied to the element to scale it appropriately. By default this is disabled.
    • tooltips (Boolean): If true, tooltips will be shown when hovered over calendar days. By default this is disabled.
    • cache (Number) The cache time in seconds.


  • Promise A promise returned by the fetch() call.

😋 How to contribute

Have an idea? Found a bug? See how to contribute.

💫 Where is this library used?

If you are using this library in one of your projects, add it in this list. ✨

  • @axetroy/react-github-calendar
  • @dotnetthailand/gatsby-theme-minimal-portfolio
  • @jiratki/gatsby-theme-minimal-portfolio
  • @pengliheng/github-report
  • @philipwhiuk/react-github-calendar
  • github-alike-calendar
  • github-calendar-element
  • github-calendar-web-component
  • github-contributions-react
  • react-ts-github-calendar

📜 License

MIT © Bloggify