
library for WHAM analysis of Monte Carlo Simulations

Primary LanguageC++

consus - library for weigted histogram analysis method (WHAM) of time series generated by Metropolis Monte Carlo simulations

at the moment this library is very preliminary

A bunch of header files are located under src/ which can be used to generate the density of states $\Omega$ and calculate expectation values based on $\Omega$.

  • src/ - a few generic classes and functions
  • src/WHAM2D - functions for generating $\Omega(E_1, E_2)$ and calculating expectation values
  • src/data - functions to read in data

In exe/ you can find some examples how to use the library

  • exe/WHAM2D - two-dimensional wheighted histogram analysis
  • exe/WHAM2D/NVT - 2D-WHAM for the NVT ensemble (time series from canonical simulations)