
A WinForm program that can generate a quad tree for a random set of points, and can also color-compress images using quad trees

Primary LanguageC#

Quad tree and image compressor

A WinForm program that can generate a quad tree for a random set of points, and can also compress images using quad trees.

Point parameters

Points amount - Select how many random points the program will generate.

Node capacity - How many points in a node until it splits into four.

Click start to get random points and their quad tree, Start moving points to start the random movement of points

Image parameters

Color tolerance - Sets the color tolerance for grouping colors Abs(r1,g1,b1 - r2,g2,b2 < tolerance) the bigger the tolerance the lesser nodes are made.

Desired ratio - How much of a node has to be covered with a color group set by the tolerance for it not to split anymore (max 1).

Output images

The quad tree image is saved under the name "quadTreeBitmap.jpg" while the compressed image made using the tree is saved under "compressed.jpg".

The program is not very optimised so it may take a while to process pictures bigger than 1200x1200px šŸ¤