
Moderation, fun, utility and much more!

passing python 3.6 is a discord selfbot written in python. It is used to provide personal utility and to aid someone with discord related tasks. Using this bot gives you access to a variety of commands that ranging from code evaluation to fun and miscellaneous ones. This branch of the selfbot runs on rewrite, the next major version of the library. The legacy branch is no longer supported. So do not install it! Join our discord for updates, fun and to interact with the developers!

!> Using selfbots is against the discord TOS.

When installing this bot you should be aware of this fact and must consent to never use the bot for API abuse since we consider this to be unethical. We however find nothing morally wrong in using selfbots for personal utility as long as the discord API isnt being abused. If you do not wish to break the discord TOS of your own responsibility, please do not use this selfbot.

Although this selfbot is against discord TOS, so are applications such as better discord. However in either of these cases the developers have made a stand as to not ban users unless given a fair reason to (API abuse). So as long as API isn't abused, the bot can be used safely. You have been informed.


This is a "stateless selfbot" (Saves no data) This means that you can host it on heroku 24/7 for free

  • Moderation commands
  • Global emoji commands
  • Complex embed commands
  • Miscellaneous commands
  • Custom Commands
  • NSFW Commands
  • GIF Commands
  • Community Cogs

If you want to request features, look below!

Community Cogs

To submit a cog, submit a pull request into the /cogs/community folder. To download a cog, add the Cog Name in data/community_cogs.txt or do {p}load community.<cogname>. Invalid cog names will return an error in your console.

Note: You do not have to add default cogs into data/community_cogs.txt.


After getting the selfbot, instructions here, do {p}suggest "<short description>" <detailed description> and we will try our best to implement it if it's possible!


Eval, google and rtfm/rtfd commands by Rapptz from R.Danny (bot)