- ᗪ 卂 尺 Ҝ 爪 卂 ㄒ ㄒ 乇 尺 -

An intensively worked on, and highly customized dark theme made for Firefox Proton, stretching darkness into every corner of the browser and perfecting even the tiniest details

accessibility text

Unlike my previous theme which needed you to use an add-on called Theme Creator and to figure out colors, there is no need for that with this theme as all the colors are coded into the CSS files

- 丂ㄖ爪乇    ㄖ千    ㄒ卄乇    爪卂丨几    千乇卂ㄒㄩ尺乇丂    ㄖ千    ㄒ卄乇    ㄒ卄乇爪乇    -

- Vertical tabs -

- Custom Bookmarkbar -

- Menu in Titlebar -

Dark embossed theme pretty much everywhere; from the tiniest places in the interface, settings, add-ons tab, ... all the way to the library and even on to stuff like the right-click menu and save as pop-up (This is also applied regardless of your operating system's theme!)

box shaped compact tabs even in Proton which has removed the compact view mode (Tabs will not expand even if you open up too many as all the toolbar buttons have been resized and fixed delicately to prevent expansion)

- 丨几丂ㄒ卂ㄥㄥ卂ㄒ丨ㄖ几    Ꮆㄩ丨ᗪ乇 -


- 卂匚Ҝ几ㄖ山ㄥ乇ᗪᎶ爪乇几ㄒ -

Massive thanks to every single person in Mozilla for giving us this great browser and for continuing to develop it for all these years

Huge thanks to the great and warm Firefox CSS Community, which creating this theme without wasn't possible.


A special thanks to these 2 extremely knowledgeable users who constantly helped me with finding codes and figuring stuff out in extreme detail and who are responsible for laying much of the foundation required for creating this theme

爪ㄖㄒ卄乇尺丂ㄒㄚㄥㄩ丂    &    丨ㄒ_山卂丂_ㄒ卄乇_ㄖㄒ卄乇尺_Ꮆㄩㄚ



thanks to MotherStylus for also helping me set up a GitHub repository in perfect detail you can refer to this comment if you also want to use his great info


- Ꮆ尺乇卂ㄒ    尺乇卩ㄖ丂丨ㄒㄖ尺乇丂    ㄩ丂乇ᗪ    千ㄖ尺    丂ㄖ爪乇    爪卂丨几    乇ㄥ乇爪乇几ㄒ丂 -

userChrome.js manager by It_Was_The_Other_Guy used for enabling custom scripts


Vertical tabs adopted from MotherStylus's theme


button-like navbar buttons adopted from It_Was_The_Other_Guy's massive repository of Firefox CSS hacks


Menu-in-titlebar code adopted from Aris-t2's collection of custom CSSs


- 尺乇匚ㄖ爪爪乇几ᗪ乇ᗪ    卂ᗪᗪ-ㄖ几丂 -

- 千卂ᐯ丨匚ㄖ几    丂山丨ㄒ匚卄乇尺 -

For custom site favicons


- ᗪ卂尺Ҝ    乇ㄚ乇 -

For darkmode websites


- 丂丨ㄒ乇丂    千ㄖ尺    千卂ᐯ丨匚ㄖ几丂    &    ㄒㄖ卩-丂丨ㄒ乇丂 丨匚ㄖ几丂    -

