
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

API Documentation

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Backend delpoyed at lets-get-pizza-be

Backend Framework Used

Node / Express.js




1️⃣ Getting started

To get the server running locally:

With Docker

  • Clone this repo
  • Create a .env file with needed environment variables
  • run docker-compose -d up to install all required dependencies, create pg database, and start local server
  • run docker exec -d plza-server sh -c "npm run seed" to seed the database (only need to do this on initial setup)
  • run docker-compose down to stop server
  • run docker exec plza-server sh -c "npm run test" to run tests locally
  • run docker exec plza-server sh -c "npm run coverage" to gather test coverage locally

Without Docker

  • Create a .env file with needed environment variables
  • npm install to install all required dependencies
  • Set up local pg database & connect in knexfile
  • npm run server to start the local server
  • npm run test to start server using testing environment
  • npm run coverage to gather test coverage

Environment Variables

In order for the app to function correctly, the user must set up their own environment variables.

create a .env file that includes the following:

* POSTGRES_USER Set this as the user for your postgres database **recommended to set as postgres**
* POSTGRES_DB Name of your postgres database
* POSTGRES_TEST_DB Name of your postgres database
* POSTGRES_PASSWORD Set this as your postgres local and test database passwords
* POSTGRES_HOST Needed to establish postgres connection. Set as plza-postgres
* POSTGRES_TEST_HOST Needed to establish postgres connection. Set as plza-test-db
* JWT_SECRET  Needed for auth router and password generation
* FSCLIENTID FourSquare API Client ID
* FSCLIENTSECRET FourSquare API Client Secret
* CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME Cloudinary username
* CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET Cloudinary API Client Secret

*  User Survey link: https://s.surveyplanet.com/_BYyEjkf
   Username: teampizzaplza@gmail.com
   Password: 1234P!za

2️⃣ Data Model


    id: INT
    username: STRING
    email: STRING
    profile_image: STRING
    display_name: STRING
    dietary_preference: ARRAY
    favorite_pizza_toppings: STRING
    display_location: STRING
    favorite_pizza_shop: STRING
    bio: STRING


    id: INT
    last_name: STRING
    username: STRING
    email: STRING
    password: STRING
    first_name: STRING
    update_foursquare: BOOLEAN
    phone_number: STRING
    foursquare_id: STRING
    business_name: STRING
    latitude: DOUBLE
    longitude: DOUBLE
    address: STRING
    website_url: STRING
    official_description: STRING
    thumbnail_image: STRING
    inside_image: STRING
    street_view_image: STRING
    menu_image: STRING
    order_service: STRING
    store_bio: STRING
    dietary_offerings: ARRAY


    id: INT
    user_id: INT
    location_id: INT
    title: STRING
    description: STRING
    start_time: DATETIME
    end_time: DATETIME


    id: INT
    user_id: INT
    friens_id: INT
    status: STRING


    id: INT
    location_id: INT
    title: STRING
    text: STRING
    start_date: DATETIME
    end_date: DATETIME


    id: INT
    user_id: INT
    location_id: INT
    rating: INT
    review_title: STRING
    review_text: STRING

Saved Promo

    id: INT
    user_id: INT
    promo_id: INT

3️⃣ Endpoints OVERVIEW

Method Endpoint Access Control Description
POST /auth/register none Registers a user & logs them in.
POST /auth/login none Logs the user in and returns a token.
Method Endpoint Access Control Description
GET /users/dashboard user Returns info for the logged in user.
GET /users/ user Returns an array of all users
GET /users/:id user Returns any users information
PUT /users user Returns info for a single user.
PUT /users/images user Adds profile image and returns info for the user
DELETE /users user Deletes the user's account
Method Endpoint Access Control Description
GET /locations/map all Returns an array of close pizza places, and their latitude and longitude
GET /locations/list all Returns an array of close pizza places, and their thumbnail, if available
GET /locations/live/:foursquare_id all Gets the information from a foursquare id and maps it to the database
GET /locations/:id all Gets the information for a location from the database
GET /locations/dashboard location Gets the locations information for display
PUT /locations location Edits the information for the logged in location
PUT /locations/images location Adds an image for the logged in location
DELETE /locations location Deletes the location.
Method Endpoint Access Control Description
GET /events all Returns an array of all created events
GET /events/:id all Returns all info for a single event
GET /events/users/:id all Returns an object with two arrays of events , created events and invited events
GET /events/locations/:id all Returns an array of all events at a single location
GET /events/:id/invites all Returns an array of all invites for an event
POST /events all Creates an event and returns the info
POST /events/:id/invite all Creates an event invitation and returns invite info
PUT /events/:id/invite/:invite_id all Updates event invite and returns an object with all invite info
PUT /events/:id all Updates event info and returns all info for single event
DELETE /events/:id all Deletes a specific event
Method Endpoint Access Control Description
GET /friends all Returns an array of all friendships
GET /friends/:id all Returns info for a single friendship
POST /friends all Creates a friendship instance and returns friendship info
PUT /friends/:id all Updates info for a specific friendship instance
DELETE /friends/:id all Deletes friendship instance from databse
Method Endpoint Access Control Description
GET /promotions all Returns an array of all promotions
GET /promotions/:id all Returns all info for a single event
POST /promotions all Creates a new promotion
PUT /promotions/:id all Updates a single promotions details and returns all info for that promotion
DELETE /promotions/:id all Deletes the promotion
Method Endpoint Access Control Description
GET /reviews all Returns an array of all reviews in the database
GET /reviews/:id all Returns all information for a single review
GET /reviews/users/:id all Returns an array of all reviews for a single user
POST /reviews all Creates a review instance in db and returns review information
PUT /reviews/:id all Updates information for the provided review
DELETE /reviews/:id all Deletes the review
Method Endpoint Access Control Description
GET /savedPromos/users/:id all Returns all saved promotions for given user
POST /savedPromos/ all Creates a saved promotion instance
DELETE /savedPromos/:id all Deletes the saved promotion

4️⃣ Actions

Model Helpers

All components, with the exception of friends, have access to the following model helpers. Any other models listed below are specfic to it's respective component

find(table, selectConfig='*') -> Returns all instances from table

findBy(table, filter, selectConfig='*") -> Returns all instances by filter

findById(table, id, selectConfig='*', whereConfig='id') -> Returns row by ID

add(table, info) -> Returns the created instance

update(table, changes, id) -> Update an instance by ID

remove(table, id) -> Deletes an instance by ID


getInvitesByEvent(event_id) -> Returns invites by Event ID

getInviteById(id) -> Returns invite info by ID

findByLocId(id) -> Return all events for a single location

findInvitedEvents(user_id) -> Returns all invites by User ID

inviteFriend(info) -> Returns created invtie info

updateInvite(info, id) -> Update an event invite by ID


getFriends() -> Returns all friend instances

getById(id) -> Returns friendship info by ID

getByUserId(id) -> Returns all friends by User ID

insertFriends(friendsData) -> Returns created friendship info

updateFriend(id,updates) -> Update friendship by ID

removeFriend(id) -> Deletes friendship by ID


findClosestMapLocations(longitude, latitude) -> Returns all locations within a 0.5 of both latitude and longitude

findByFourSquareId(id) -> Returns location info by FourSquare ID

getReviews(id) -> Returns all reviews by Location ID

getAvgRating(id) -> Returns avg rating of reviews by Location ID

getPromotions(id) -> Returns all promotions by Location ID

getEvents(id) -> Returns all events by Location ID

5️⃣ Endpoints DETAILS

Auth Routes

POST '/auth/register'


Name Type Required Description Unique
username string Y User's desired username Y
password string Y User's password Y
email string Y User's email address Y
dietary_preference array[string] N Array of user's dietary preferences N
display_name string N User's desired display name N
favorite_pizza_toppings string N User's favorite toppings N
bio string N Short blurb of the user N
favorite_pizza_shop integer N Location ID of user's favorite pizza shop N


    token: "XXXXXXXXXX",
    user: {
        id: 11,
        username: "pizzalover",
        email: "iluvpizza@test.com",
        profile_image: "https://res.cloudinary.com/plza/image/upload/v1588043869/qxhdqbj4sthf57bdgltz.jpg",
        display_name: null,
        dietary_preference: null,
        favorite_pizza_toppings: null,
        display_location: null,
        favorite_pizza_shop: null,
        bio: null

POST 'auth/user/login'


Name Type Required Description Unique
username string Y User's username Y
password string Y User's password N


    message: "Welome pizzalover",
    token: "XXXXXXXXX",
    user: {
        id: 11,
        username: "pizzalover",
        email: "iluvpizza@test.com",
        profile_image: "https://res.cloudinary.com/plza/image/upload/v1588043869/qxhdqbj4sthf57bdgltz.jpg",
        display_name: null,
        dietary_preference: null,
        favorite_pizza_toppings: null,
        display_location: null,
        favorite_pizza_shop: null,
        bio: null

User Routes

GET '/users/dashboard'


Name Required Description
Authorization Y Token provided upon login/registration


    id: 6,
    username: "Buddy",
    email: "buddy@pizzaluv.com",
    profile_image: "https://res.cloudinary.com/plza/image/upload/v1591238224/w5mrwhnercdpdugqlcdu.png",
    display_name: "justsomebuddy",
    dietary_preference: [
    favorite_pizza_toppings: "Pepperoni",
    display_location: "Salt Lake City",
    favorite_pizza_shop: 2,
    bio: "Pineapple was made for pizza"

GET '/users?username=searchTerm'


Name Required Description
Authorization Y Token provided upon login/registration (can be empty string)

Query Params

Name Required Description
username Y Query string of usernames
    users: [
            id: 1,
            username: "Billy",
            email: "billy@pizzaluv.com",
            password: "$2a$10$xz0c9mw.93dILe4riz9YXeDz7wLOot57zovPBbf01CEqfCiWXQprS",
            profile_image: "https://res.cloudinary.com/plza/image/upload/v1588043869/qxhdqbj4sthf57bdgltz.jpg",
            display_name: "PizzaBruh420",
            dietary_preference: [
            favorite_pizza_toppings: "Mushrooms",
            display_location: "Miami, Florida",
            favorite_pizza_shop: 2,
            bio: "Pizza! Pizza! Pizza! Ain't nothing like it"
            id: 3,
            username: "Betty",
            email: "betty@pizzaluv.com",
            password: "$2a$10$xz0c9mw.93dILe4riz9YXeDz7wLOot57zovPBbf01CEqfCiWXQprS",
            profile_image: "https://res.cloudinary.com/plza/image/upload/v1588043869/qxhdqbj4sthf57bdgltz.jpg",
            display_name: "PizzaGurl",
            dietary_preference: [
            favorite_pizza_toppings: "Pepperoni",
            display_location: "Billings",
            favorite_pizza_shop: 3,
            bio: "Can't spell pizza without Betty!"

GET 'users/:id'


Name Required Description
Authorization Y Token provided upon login/registration


    id: 3,
    username: "Betty",
    email: "betty@pizzaluv.com",
    password: "$2a$10$xz0c9mw.93dILe4riz9YXeDz7wLOot57zovPBbf01CEqfCiWXQprS",
    profile_image: "https://res.cloudinary.com/plza/image/upload/v1588043869/qxhdqbj4sthf57bdgltz.jpg",
    display_name: "PizzaGurl",
    dietary_preference: [
    favorite_pizza_toppings: "Pepperoni",
    display_location: "Billings",
    favorite_pizza_shop: 3,
    bio: "Can't spell pizza without Betty!"

PUT '/users/'


Name Required Description
Authorization Y Token provided upon login/registration


Name Type Required Description Unique
username string N User's desired username Y
password string N User's password N
email string N User's email address Y
dietary_preference array[string] N Array of user's dietary preferences N
display_name string N User's desired display name N
favorite_pizza_toppings string N User's favorite toppings N
bio string N Short blurb of the user N
favorite_pizza_shop integer N Location ID of user's favorite pizza shop N


    id: 11,
    username: "pizzalover",
    email: "iluvpizza@test.com",
    profile_image: "https://res.cloudinary.com/plza/image/upload/v1588043869/qxhdqbj4sthf57bdgltz.jpg",
    display_name: "PizzaLover",
    dietary_preference: null,
    favorite_pizza_toppings: "Pineapple",
    display_location: "Denver, CO",
    favorite_pizza_shop: 2,
    bio: "I could eat pizza for every meal"

PUT '/users/images'


Name Required Description
Authorization Y Token provided upon login/registration


Name Required Description
image-raw Y Data URI of user's desired image


    id: 11,
    username: "pizzalover",
    email: "iluvpizza@test.com",
    profile_image: "https://res.cloudinary.com/plza/image/upload/v1592089926/bcdtzp5eoh9twubtrfmq.png",
    display_name: "PizzaLover",
    dietary_preference: null,
    favorite_pizza_toppings: "Pineapple",
    display_location: "Denver, CO",
    favorite_pizza_shop: 2,
    bio: "I could eat pizza for every meal"

DELETE '/users'


Name Required Description
Authorization Y Token provided upon login/registration


    message: "pizzalover successfully deleted"

Location Routes

GET '/locations/map'

Query Params

Name Required Description
search N City, City,State, Zip


        name: "Dominoes Pizza",
        latitude: 40.7050150708864,
        longitude: -73.9336165250072,
        address: "13 pizza rd",
        location_id: 25
        name: "Robertas Pizza",
        latitude: 40.70501507088636,
        longitude: -73.93361652500724,
        address: "261 Moore St",
        foursquare_id: "47e100b9f964a520414e1fe3"

GET '/locations/list'

Query Params

Name Required Description
search N City, City,State, Zip


       name: Dominoes Pizza,
       address: 13 pizza rd,
       thumbnail_url: dominoes.com/1.jpg,
       location_id: 25
       name: Roberta's Pizza,
       address: 261 Moore St,
       foursquare_id: 47e100b9f964a520414e1fe3

GET '/locations/live/:foursquare_id'


    foursquare_id: 4a593de0f964a52015b91fe3,
    business_name: Saraghina,
    latitude: 40.68359,
    longitude: -73.93534,
    address: [
        435 Halsey St (at Lewis Ave),
        Brooklyn, NY 11233,
        United States
    website_url: http://www.saraghina.com

GET '/locations/:id'


    id: 25,
    username: dominoes,
    email: betty@dominoes.com,
    password: pizza1, **password is removed before returning location object
    first_name: Noes,
    foursquare_id: 13,
    update_foursquare: null,
    business_name: Dominoes Pizza,
    address: 13 pizza rd,
    website_url: www.dominoes.com,
    official_description: The Old Boardgame of Pizza,
    thumbnail_url: dominoes.com/1.jpg,
    street_view_image: google.com/2.jpg,
    order_service: We Deliver!,
    store_bio: Theres pizza here and you can eat some,
    dietary_offerings: [
        Even the cheese is meat
    latitude: 40.7050150708864,
    longitude: -73.9336165250072,
    last_name: Dom

GET '/locations/dashboard'


Name Required Description
Authorization Y Token returned upon login/registration


    id: 1,
    last_name: "Tuh",
    username: "pizzahut",
    email: "billy@pizzahut.com",
    first_name: "Azzip",
    update_foursquare: true,
    phone_number: null,
    foursquare_id: null,
    business_name: "Pizza Hut",
    latitude: 29.201598971549643,
    longitude: -98.66165965560205,
    address: "123 pizza lane",
    website_url: "https://www.pizzahut.com",
    official_description: "The Hutt of Pizza",
    thumbnail_image: "https://res.cloudinary.com/plza/image/upload/v1589334585/pizzaIcon_vt9vq9.png",
    inside_image: null,
    street_view_image: "google.com/1.jpg",
    menu_image: null,
    order_service: "Doordash",
    store_bio: "We made this place and that place makes pizza",
    dietary_offerings: [

PUT '/locations/'


Name Required Description
Authorization Y Token returned upon login/registration


Name Type Required Description Unique
last_name string N Business owner's last name N
username string N Desired username Y
email string N Business owner's email address Y
first_name string N Business owner's first name N
phone_number string N Business's phone number N
business_name string N Name of the business N
address string N Business' physical address N
website_url string N Url to the business' website N
official_description string N Short description of the business N
order_service string N Service the business uses for online orders N
store_bio string N Short bio/blurb for the business N
dietary_offerings array[string] N List of special dietary offerings the business offers N


    id: 1,
    last_name: "Tuh",
    username: "pizzahut",
    email: "billy@pizzahut.com",
    first_name: "Azzip",
    update_foursquare: true,
    phone_number: null,
    foursquare_id: null,
    business_name: "Pizza Hut",
    latitude: 29.201598971549643,
    longitude: -98.66165965560205,
    address: "123 pizza lane",
    website_url: "https://www.pizzahut.com",
    official_description: "The Hutt of Pizza",
    thumbnail_image: "https://res.cloudinary.com/plza/image/upload/v1589334585/pizzaIcon_vt9vq9.png",
    inside_image: null,
    street_view_image: "google.com/1.jpg",
    menu_image: null,
    order_service: "Doordash",
    store_bio: "We made this place and that place makes pizza",
    dietary_offerings: [

PUT '/locations/images'


Name Required Description
Authorization Y Token returned upon login/registration


Name Required Description
image-raw Y Data URI of user's desired image


    id: 1,
    last_name: "Tuh",
    username: "pizzahut",
    email: "billy@pizzahut.com",
    first_name: "Azzip",
    update_foursquare: true,
    phone_number: null,
    foursquare_id: null,
    business_name: "Pizza Hut",
    latitude: 29.201598971549643,
    longitude: -98.66165965560205,
    address: "123 pizza lane",
    website_url: "https://www.pizzahut.com",
    official_description: "The Hutt of Pizza",
    thumbnail_image: "https://res.cloudinary.com/plza/image/upload/v1589334585/pizzaIcon_vt9vq9.png",
    inside_image: null,
    street_view_image: "google.com/1.jpg",
    menu_image: null,
    order_service: "Doordash",
    store_bio: "We made this place and that place makes pizza",
    dietary_offerings: [

DELETE '/locations'


Name Required Description
Authorization Y Token returned upon login/registration



Events Routes

GET '/events'


        location_id: 1,
        user_id: 1,
        id: 1,
        title: "Lets Get Pizza!",
        description: "Its dat time boys, pizza!",
        start_time: "2020-01-20T00:00:00.000Z",
        end_time: "2020-01-22T00:00:00.000Z",
        business_name: "Pizza Hut",
        address: "123 pizza lane"
        location_id: 1,
        user_id: 1,
        id: 2,
        title: "Nacho Pizza Hunt!",
        description: "Are Nacho pizzas a thing? Lets find out!",
        start_time: "2020-01-20T00:00:00.000Z",
        end_time: "2020-01-22T00:00:00.000Z",
        business_name: "Pizza Hut",
        address: "123 pizza lane"

GET 'events/:id'


    event: {
        location_id: 1,
        user_id: 1,
        id: 1,
        title: "Lets Get Pizza!",
        description: "Its dat time boys, pizza!",
        start_time: "2020-01-20T00:00:00.000Z",
        end_time: "2020-01-22T00:00:00.000Z",
        business_name: "Pizza Hut",
        address: "123 pizza lane"

GET 'events/users/:id'


    createdEvents: [
            location_id: 1,
            user_id: 1,
            id: 1,
            title: "Lets Get Pizza!",
            description: "Its dat time boys, pizza!",
            start_time: "2020-01-20T00:00:00.000Z",
            end_time: "2020-01-22T00:00:00.000Z",
            business_name: "Pizza Hut",
            address: "123 pizza lane"
            location_id: 1,
            user_id: 1,
            id: 2,
            title: "Nacho Pizza Hunt!",
            description: "Are Nacho pizzas a thing? Lets find out!",
            start_time: "2020-01-20T00:00:00.000Z",
            end_time: "2020-01-22T00:00:00.000Z",
            business_name: "Pizza Hut",
            address: "123 pizza lane"
            location_id: 2,
            user_id: 1,
            id: 3,
            title: "The End of Days",
            description: "About that time, lets have a slice to celebrate the end of the world.",
            start_time: "2020-01-20T00:00:00.000Z",
            end_time: "2020-01-22T00:00:00.000Z",
            business_name: "Dominoes Pizza",
            address: "13 pizza rd"
    invitedEvents: [
            location_id: 2,
            user_id: 4,
            id: 4,
            title: "BYOP Party - Bring Your Own Pizza",
            description: "Bring your own pizza party, plates will be provided",
            start_time: "2020-06-20T00:00:00.000Z",
            end_time: "2020-06-22T00:00:00.000Z",
            business_name: "Dominoes Pizza",
            address: "13 pizza rd"

GET '/events/locations/:id'


        id: 1,
        user_id: 1,
        location_id: 1,
        title: "Lets Get Pizza!",
        description: "Its dat time boys, pizza!",
        start_time: "2020-01-20T00:00:00.000Z",
        end_time: "2020-01-22T00:00:00.000Z"
        id: 2,
        user_id: 1,
        location_id: 1,
        title: "Nacho Pizza Hunt!",
        description: "Are Nacho pizzas a thing? Lets find out!",
        start_time: "2020-01-20T00:00:00.000Z",
        end_time: "2020-01-22T00:00:00.000Z"

GET '/events/:id/invites


        id: 1,
        event_id: 5,
        inviter_user_id: 6,
        invitee_user_id: 7,
        response: "pending"
        id: 2,
        event_id: 5,
        inviter_user_id: 6,
        invitee_user_id: 3,
        response: "pending"
        id: 3,
        event_id: 5,
        inviter_user_id: 6,
        invitee_user_id: 2,
        response: "pending"

POST '/events'


Name Type Required Description
user_id integer N ID of the user who created the event
location_id integer Y ID of the location where the event is being held
title string Y Title of the event
description string Y Description of the event
start_time datetime Y Start time of the event
end_time datetime Y End time of the event


    id: 5,
    user_id: 6,
    location_id: 3,
    title: "Stonefire party",
    description: "Stonefire pizza all 1% off all orders over $100",
    start_time: "2020-01-20T00:00:00.000Z",
    end_time: "2020-01-22T00:00:00.000Z"

POST '/events/:id/invite'


Name Type Required Description
inviter_user_id integer Y ID of the user who created the event
invitee_user_id integer Y ID of the user being invited to the event


    id: 1,
    event_id: 5,
    inviter_user_id: 6,
    invitee_user_id: 7,
    response: "pending"

PUT '/events/:id/invite/:invite_id


Name Type Reuired Description
response string Y Invite status. Must be one of the following: accepted, interested, declined


    invited: {
        id: 2,
        event_id: 5,
        inviter_user_id: 6,
        invitee_user_id: 3,
        response: "accepted"

PUT '/events/:id'


Name Type Required Description
user_id integer N ID of the user who created the event
location_id integer N ID of the location where the event is being held
title string N Title of the event
description string N Description of the event
start_time datetime N Start time of the event
end_time datetime N End time of the event


    id: 5,
    user_id: 6,
    location_id: 3,
    title: "Stonefire party",
    description: "Stonefire pizza all 1% off all orders over $100",
    start_time: "2020-01-20T00:00:00.000Z",
    end_time: "2020-01-22T00:00:00.000Z"

DELETE '/events/:id'



Friends Routes

GET '/friends'


        user_id: 1,
        friends_id: 1,
        status: "accepted",
        id: 1
        user_id: 2,
        friends_id: 2,
        status: "accepted",
        id: 2
        user_id: 3,
        friends_id: 3,
        status: "accepted",
        id: 3

GET 'friends/:id'


        id: 2,
        username: "Roger",
        display_name: "PizzaDude",
        friends_id: 2,
        friend_username: "Roger",
        friend_display_name: "PizzaDude",
        friend_location: "Santa Monica",
        friend_profile_image: "https://res.cloudinary.com/plza/image/upload/v1588043869/qxhdqbj4sthf57bdgltz.jpg",
        friend_bio: "Life is like a box of pizza, you never know what you're going to get! - Forest Gump",
        friend_favorite_pizza_shop: 1

POST '/friends'


Name Type Required Description
user_id integer Y ID of the user sending/creating the request
friends_id integer Y ID of the user becoming the friend


    user_id: 6,
    friends_id: 7,
    status: "requested",
    id: 18

PUT '/friends/:id'


Name Type Required Description
response string Y status of the friendship. Must be one of the following: requested, accepted, blocked


    success: true,
    message: "friend with id 18 was updated."

DELETE '/friends/:id'


    success: true,
    message: "friend with id 18 was deleted"

Promotions Routes

GET '/promotions'


        id: 1,
        location_id: 1,
        title: "Cheese Sale!",
        text: "Half Price extra cheese!",
        start_date: "2020-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
        end_date: "2020-01-03T00:00:00.000Z"
        id: 2,
        location_id: 2,
        title: "Double Double Time!",
        text: "Buy one pizza and pay double for the second!",
        start_date: "2020-01-03T00:00:00.000Z",
        end_date: "2020-02-03T00:00:00.000Z"
        id: 3,
        location_id: 3,
        title: "Jailhouse Rock!",
        text: "Sing a song for 10 bucks off your order!",
        start_date: "2020-02-03T00:00:00.000Z",
        end_date: "2020-02-03T00:00:00.000Z"

GET '/promotions/:id'


        id: 2,
        location_id: 2,
        title: "Double Double Time!",
        text: "Buy one pizza and pay double for the second!",
        start_date: "2020-01-03T00:00:00.000Z",
        end_date: "2020-02-03T00:00:00.000Z"

POST '/promotions'


Name Type Required Description
location_id integer Y ID of the location creating the promotion
title string Y Title of the promotion
text string Y Description and extra details about the promotion
start_date datetime Y Time when the promotion starts
end_date datetime Y Time when the promotion ends


        id: 4,
        location_id: 1,
        title: "We Survived COVID Promo",
        text: "19% off any purchases over $19",
        start_date: "2020-01-03T00:00:00.000Z",
        end_date: "2020-02-03T00:00:00.000Z"

PUT '/promotions/:id'


Name Type Required Description
title string N Title of the promotion
text string N Description and extra details about the promotion
start_date datetime N Time when the promotion starts
end_date datetime N Time when the promotion ends


        id: 4,
        location_id: 1,
        title: "We Survived COVID Party Promo",
        text: "19% off any purchases over $19",
        start_date: "2020-01-03T00:00:00.000Z",
        end_date: "2020-02-03T00:00:00.000Z"

DELETE '/promotions/:id'




GET '/reviews'


        id: 1,
        user_id: 1,
        location_id: 1,
        rating: 5,
        review_title: "cheese pizza day",
        review_text: "cheese was good, but I wanted pepperoni"
        id: 2,
        user_id: 2,
        location_id: 1,
        rating: 3,
        review_title: "memorial pizza time",
        review_text: "not bad, but too pricy"
        id: 3,
        user_id: 3,
        location_id: 1,
        rating: 1,
        review_title: "ran out?!",
        review_text: "they ran out of cheese, smh"

GET '/reviews/:id'


    id: 2,
    user_id: 2,
    location_id: 1,
    rating: 3,
    review_title: "memorial pizza time",
    review_text: "not bad, but too pricy"

GET '/reviews/users/:id'


        id: 1,
        user_id: 6,
        location_id: 3,
        rating: 5,
        review_title: "cheese pizza day",
        review_text: "cheese was good, but I wanted pepperoni",
        business_name: "Pizzaria Pizza",
        address: "1254 Pizza Dr"
        id: 9,
        user_id: 6,
        location_id: 11,
        rating: 3,
        review_title: "memorial pizza time",
        review_text: "not bad, but too pricy",
        business_name: "Pizza Pizzaria",
        address: "1254 Pizza Cir"
        id: 19,
        user_id: 6,
        location_id: 17,
        rating: 3,
        review_title: "ran out?!",
        review_text: "they ran out of cheese, smh",
        business_name: "Pizzaria Pizzaria",
        address: "1254 Pizza Rd"

POST '/reviews'


Name Type Required Description
user_id integer Y ID of the user writing the review
location_id integer Y ID of the location the review is for
rating integer Y Rating score for the review (1-5)
review_title string N Title of the review
review_text string N Additional text for the review


        id: 9,
        user_id: 6,
        location_id: 11,
        rating: 3,
        review_title: "memorial pizza time",
        review_text: "not bad, but too pricy",
        business_name: "Pizza Pizzaria",
        address: "1254 Pizza Cir"

PUT '/reviews/:id'


Name Type Required Description
user_id integer N ID of the user writing the review
location_id integer N ID of the location the review is for
rating integer N Rating score for the review (1-5)
review_title string N Title of the review
review_text string N Additional text for the review


        id: 9,
        user_id: 6,
        location_id: 11,
        rating: 3,
        review_title: "Pi Day Celebration",
        review_text: "not bad, but too pricy",
        business_name: "Pizza Pizzaria",
        address: "1254 Pizza Cir"

DELETE '/reviews/:id'



Saved Promos Routes

GET '/savedPromos/users/:id'


        location_id: 2,
        title: "Double Double Time!",
        text: "Buy one pizza and pay double for the second!",
        promo_id: 2,
        user_id: 1,
        id: 1,
        business_name: "Dominoes Pizza",
        address: "13 pizza rd"
        location_id: 3,
        title: "Jailhouse Rock!",
        text: "Sing a song for 10 bucks off your order!",
        promo_id: 3,
        user_id: 1,
        id: 2,
        business_name: "Papa Johns",
        address: "30 pizza st"

POST '/savedPromos'


Name Type Required Description
user_id integer Y ID of the user saving the promo
promo_id integer Y ID of the promotion being saved


    user_id: 6,
    promo_id: 2,
    id: 8

DELETE '/savedPromos/:id'




When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change.

Please note we have a code of conduct. Please follow it in all your interactions with the project.

Issue/Bug Request

If you are having an issue with the existing project code, please submit a bug report under the following guidelines:

  • Check first to see if your issue has already been reported.
  • Check to see if the issue has recently been fixed by attempting to reproduce the issue using the latest master branch in the repository.
  • Create a live example of the problem.
  • Submit a detailed bug report including your environment & browser, steps to reproduce the issue, actual and expected outcomes, where you believe the issue is originating from, and any potential solutions you have considered.

Feature Requests

We would love to hear from you about new features which would improve this app and further the aims of our project. Please provide as much detail and information as possible to show us why you think your new feature should be implemented.

Pull Requests

If you have developed a patch, bug fix, or new feature that would improve this app, please submit a pull request. It is best to communicate your ideas with the developers first before investing a great deal of time into a pull request to ensure that it will mesh smoothly with the project.

Remember that this project is licensed under the MIT license, and by submitting a pull request, you agree that your work will be, too.

Pull Request Guidelines

  • Ensure any install or build dependencies are removed before the end of the layer when doing a build.
  • Update the README.md with details of changes to the interface, including new plist variables, exposed ports, useful file locations and container parameters.
  • Ensure that your code conforms to our existing code conventions and test coverage.
  • Include the relevant issue number, if applicable.
  • You may merge the Pull Request in once you have the sign-off of two other developers, or if you do not have permission to do that, you may request the second reviewer to merge it for you.


These contribution guidelines have been adapted from this good-Contributing.md-template.


See [Frontend Documentation] (https://github.com/Lambda-School-Labs/lets-get-pizza-fe/blob/master/README.md) for details on the fronend of our project.