Insomnia Export file for METRC


When going through METRC's Evaluation we realized that it would be better if we organized our requests, to be able to quickly test and iterate.

What does this include?

  • All the API Endpoints that are required to pass the evaluation and a bit more
  • REST Entities separated as folders
  • Separate sub-environments for each "Facility" for the Sandbox
  • Every POST request has a JSON Body that can be used with some minor changes (Usually tags)


  • Import METRC.json into your Insomnia REST Client
  • Open "Manage Environments" and set the API Keys as variables in the "Base Environment"
  • Change the URL if required (by default it points at the California Sandbox)
  • Select the Sub-Environment (Facility) you want to use or make your own
  • That's it!


  • Add the rest of the endpoints
  • Add comments for confusing endpoints
  • REST
