
.Learning how to code in the library discord.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is an open-source Discord Bot that you can use to learn how to code your own discord bot, using the library discord.js.

The Setup

Glitch.com Hosting

  • First go to https://glitch.com/
  • Then, sign-in or make an account
  • Then, create a new project of type `hello-express`
  • Then, go to the bottom left of the page and click `tools`
  • Then, click `Git, Import, and Export`
  • Then, sign-in or create a new Github account
  • Then, click `Import from Github`
  • Finally, in the popup type in `kickz1997/discord.js-Moderation-Bot` and click ok
  • Heroku Hosting

  • First go to https://dashboard.heroku.com
  • Then, sign-in or create a new account
  • Then, click `New`, then `Create new app`, then type in a valid name for it
  • Then, go to this repo and "fork" it to your own Github account
  • Then, in the `Deployment method` section, click `Connect to Github`. Search for your forked version of this repository. When you have found the correct one, click `Connect`
  • Then, follow each of the sections and steps listed here: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/getting-started-with-nodejs
  • Then, go to https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps/YourAppName/deploy/github (Replace the `YourAppName` with your actual app's name)
  • Finally, in the `Automatic deploys` section, click `Enable Automatic Deploys`
  • Here is all the commands that are offered in the bot:

  • botinfo
  • dm
  • eval
  • help
  • invite
  • mute
  • purge
  • say
  • servers
  • support
  • test
  • unban
  • uptime
  • warn
  • If you do the help command, it will show you all the commands in the bot!

    Thank you for taking the time to look at the GitHub Repo! If you would like to contact me, here are my discord servers!

  • https://discord.gg/bv6gaxq
  • https://invite.gg/ics
  • DeathHound6's Server!

  • https://discord.gg/QA9ZXpV