
Physically-based Path Tracer capable of rendering various geometrical shapes, including triangles.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Path Tracer

My personal implementation of a roughly "feature complete" Path Tracer. The beginnings of the codebase were roughly identical to the Path Tracer constructed during the Handmade Ray Day 1 livestream, archived at https://guide.handmadehero.org/ray/ray00/. From then, I programmed the rest "in the dark" (for the most part); i.e., I didn't consult any open source Path Tracer implementations. To guide development, I sourced content from books, which I reference in the References section below. I'm aware that this isn't the ideal approach for writing a Path Tracer as fast as possible; I chose this approach because I was looking for a coding adventure :)

test test_balls test_onewknd testmario cornell


  • Importance sampling Monte Carlo Integration.
    • GGX importance sampling.
    • Emissive sphere importance sampling.
    • Cosine sampling.
  • Materials:
    • Specular BSDF from microfacet theory: GGX distribution function, Smith joint shadow-masking courtesy of Hammon et al., and Slick approximation of Fresnel equations.
    • Uniform diffuse BSDF.
    • Albedo, roughness, metalness, and normal textures.
    • Disney "principled" roughness parameterization.
  • Physical lens model.
  • GLTF import.
  • Supported Geometry: Triangles, Spheres, Planes, AABBs, Quads.
  • Multithreaded architecture.
  • Live viewer.
  • Output .BMP image format.



e.g.: "AutomataApp.exe -t16 -p16 -nmr"

t<int>                        - Set the number of threads to use.
p<int>                        - Set the rays to shoot per pixel.
w<int>                        - Set the world number to load. Possible options:
  1:  Default scene.
  2:  Metal-roughness test.
  3:  Cornell box.
  4:  Ray Tracing in One Weekend book cover.
  5:  Mario N64 model.
d                             - Enable depth of field via thin-lens approximation.
n                             - Disable loading normal map textures.
m                             - Disable loading metalness material textures.
r                             - Disable loading roughness material textures.
h                             - Print this help menu.

Steps for Building

This project depends on my game engine, Automata-Engine. You can find that here: https://github.com/BluBloos/Automata-Engine

The engine has its own dependencies, but the TLDR is:

  • this project only works on Windows
  • install Python and make sure its on your PATH
  • install MS Visual Studio 2022, community ed. and ensure it is located at "C:\Program Files"

To build and run the raytracer on the scene, please run the following.


Happy path tracing!