
Contributors Forks Stargazers Issues

About The Project

Built With

React JavaScript MUI Figma CSS3 Styled Components

Getting Started


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Login & Create Account

Home Page & Nav Bar

F3NKXo88iF Built by Aaron Yabut

Nav bar allows users to be redirected to different pages. This component directs to the:

  • Homepage
  • Search
  • Add to listing
  • Messages
  • Trades
  • Profile button that allows you to go to the profile page or sign out.

Home page is the main web page of our application. This component features:

  • Two carousels that display the user's book information
  • The two carousels display top rated users and a recommended section
  • Each card display the user's book name, book cover, book summary, username, user rating, and a trade modal

Search & Add to Profile

Chat & Messages

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Messages allows users to search and message other users. This component has the following features:

  • Displays the last message of the users
  • Has time stamp of all messages
  • Allow users to message each other from the trade module
  • Sorts users based on time last message was sent
  • Automatically scrolls down to last message or sent message

Trade Confirmation


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Trades display cards of each trade and provides trader and book information. This component includes:

  • Accept, Decline/Delete, and Message buttons for respective trades
  • Updates trades for both users and traders
  • Map display for confirmed trades
  • Rating system for users to rate trades



Contributors (in order of component rendered on screen):
Sean Young: Login/Registration Page | ConfirmTrade Modal
Johnny Ho: Chat/Messages
David Garcia: Search Page | Add Listing to Profile
Andy Ho: Trades
Paul Ko:
Aaron Yabut: Home Page | Nav Bar | Wireframe
Linkedin: LinkedIn GitHub

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