
Demo using React, Redux to show sorting, filtering, AND pagination that is done on the server(NOT server sided rendering)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Forked from https://github.com/HydroCarbons/redux-react-boilerplate-2018

Just a simple demo application to show pagination, sorting, and filtering.


  • run npm install
  • Install json-server for the backend api. in global npm
  • run json-server ./server/index.js in a separate terminal tab
  • run npm start in a seperate terminal tab


  • React
  • Redux
  • Redux-Saga
  • Axios
  • React-Boostrap


Uses json-server for the backend api.


  • Caches items, per page, in redux store as user changes pages.
  • If user changes sorting/filtering option then cache will be cleared


  • Done via a sortKey and sortDirection select input, both inputs are controlled inputs controlled via react local state.
  • I tried to do this in the redux store but it just generated a lot of unnecessary boilerplate.


  • done via a searchFilter inputbox, controlled input via local react component