This repo contains demo of Azure Defender features together with GitHub and Web Application Firewall.
After you setup environment follow guides to demonstrate capabilities.
Demonstrate Azure Defender infrastructure and container capabilities in guide.
Demonstrate Azure Defender, WAF and github application protection capabilities in guide.
Follow guide to setup your environment.
Prepare identities and deploy environment. In future version of demo this will be replaced with managed identity.
# Prepare AAD identities
$spSqlEncrypt = New-AzADServicePrincipal -DisplayName tomasazdefender-sql-encrypt -SkipAssignment
# $BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($spSqlEncrypt.Secret)
# $spSqlEncryptSecret = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR)
$spSqlEncryptAppId = $spSqlEncrypt.ApplicationId
$spSqlEncryptObjectId = $spSqlEncrypt.Id
$currentUserUPN = $(Get-AzContext).Account
$currentUserId = $(Get-AzADUser -UserPrincipalName $(Get-AzContext).Account).Id
# Deploy infrastructure
New-AzResourceGroup -Name azdefender -Location westeurope -Tag @{Owner=""}
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -Name azdefender-infra `
-ResourceGroupName azdefender `
-TemplateFile .\armInfra.json `
-adminObjectId $currentUserId `
-adminUpn $currentUserUPN `
-spSqlEncryptObjectId $spSqlEncryptObjectId `
-spSqlEncryptClientId $spSqlEncryptAppId `
-spSqlEncryptClientSecret $spSqlEncrypt.Secret `
Bicep preview Infastructure template is now also in infra folder using Bicep language. At this point it is equivalent to armInfra.json template, but moving forward I will do changes in Bicep version only.
To compile Bicep template to ARM template install Bicep CLI and run:
bicep compile main.bicep
After demo destroy infrastructure and identities.
# Cleanup
Remove-AzADServicePrincipal -DisplayName tomasazdefender-sql-encrypt -Force
Remove-AzADApplication -DisplayName tomasazdefender-sql-encrypt -Force
Get-AzResourceLock -ResourceGroupName azdefender | Remove-AzResourceLock -Force
Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name azdefender -Force -AsJob