
Heztner Cloud K8s Agent

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Hetzner Cloud Connect


Handles automatically adding servers to load balancers


All configuration is passed with environment variables. We recommend storing these variables as secrets.

First create a secret containing your hetzner credentials:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: hcloud
  namespace: kube-system
type: Opaque
  token: "{HETZNER_API_TOKEN}"
  loadBalancer: "{LOAD_BALANCER_ID}"

Then deploy the daemonset to your cluster:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BlueBambooStudios/hcloud-connect/master/deployment/daemonset.yaml

Environment variables

Key Type Default Description
HCLOUD_TOKEN String Hetzner API token
HCLOUD_ENDPOINT String (Optional) Optional endpoint URL for Hetzner Cloud
HCLOUD_DEBUG Boolean (Optional) FALSE Enable debug loggin
HCLOUD_LOAD_BALANCER String Load balancer id
HCLOUD_USE_PRIVATE_NETWORK Boolean (Optional) FALSE Use the private network when attaching targets
NODE_NAME String Node name as shown in Hetzner control panel


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