_An interactive website that runs code to collect the current hour and minutes on a new Date object when the mouse hovers on the h5 Block Element,

Wednesday, July 26th, 2017_

By In alphabetical order: Gabi Gavric, Kira Loo, Kirsten Knapp, Kirstin Hartman


The application collects the current hour and minutes of Portland. We then use Portland time as the base. By seperating the hour from the minutes, we can use military time to essentially add or subtract hours from Portland time to represent the current time of different cities. The ":" and the minutes can then be concatenated in the argument of each if, else if statement depending on which "city" is selected by the mouse hovering over it.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • launch the application in your web browser
  • move your mouse over each city
  • see that the current time replaces the city name
  • when the mouse moves away, see the city name is put back in place.

You do not need a server for this application

Known Bugs

There are no known bugs at this point

Support and contact details

Contact any of us through github to comment on code

Technologies Used

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery were used for this application


License under MIT

Copyright (c) 2017 Gabi Gavric, Kira Loo, Kirsten Knapp, Kirstin Hartman