
pig latin exercise using charAt with Nathan

Primary LanguageJavaScript

{Application Name}

{Brief description of application}, {Date of current version}

By {List of contributors}


{This is a detailed description of your application. Its purpose and usage. Give as much detail as needed to explain what the application does, and any other information you want users or other developers to have. }


Behavior - Input - Output

  1. accept string for translation
  2. For words beginning with a vowel, add "way" to the end. - "And" - "Andway"_
  3. For words beginning with one consonant, move the consonant to the end, and add "ay". - "Pig" - "igPay"
  4. For words beginning with two or more consonants, move all of the first consecutive consonants to the end, and add "ay". - "threat" - "eatThray"
  5. If the first consonants include "qu", move the "u" along with the "q". Don't forget about words like "squeal" where "qu" doesn't come first! - "squeal" "quebec" "quest" "questions"- "ealSquay" "ebecQuay"
  6. For words beginning with "y", treat "y" as a consonant. - "yup" - "upYay"

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • This is a great place
  • to list setup instructions
  • in a simple
  • easy-to-understand
  • format

{Leave nothing to chance! You want it to be easy for potential users, employers and collaborators to run your app. Do I need to run a server? How should I set up my databases? Is there other code this app depends on?}

Known Bugs

{Are there issues that have not yet been resolved that you want to let users know you know? Outline any issues that would impact use of your application. Share any workarounds that are in place. }

Support and contact details

Please email {support} if you run into any issues or have questions, ideas or concerns. We encourage you to contact us with suggestions or contributions to the code.

Technologies Used

{Tell me about the languages and tools you used to create this app. Assume that I know you probably used HTML and CSS. If you did something really cool using only HTML, point that out.}


{Determine the license under which this application can be used. See below for more details on licensing.}

Copyright (c) 2017 {List of contributors or company name}