Chat Project

Adam Grady & Yanmin Lynch

Must use latest version of Java, which is Java 17 at the time of creating this project.

VS Code with the Java extension pack is preconfigured to run this app. Although the JavaFX library must be extracted to lib/javafx/ folder

Project directory breakdown

├───ChatProject -- Server
└───ChatProjectClient -- Client
    ├───lib -- external libraries

Chat Server (ChatProject)

Project housing the server for the chat. Runs by default on port 8000, can be configured via passed in args.

Run using java src/

Chat Client (ChatProjectClient)

Basic JavaFX project using FXML, which is a way to define GUI using structured language.

To run, first the latest version of JavaFX must be downloaded and extracted into the lib/javafx folder.

Then run using java --enable-preview --module-path lib/javafx/lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml src/