The BPMN 2.0.2 standard as UML class diagram


The BPMN standard is based on the principles of the Meta Object Facility (MOF) and therefore defines the semantics of the modeling language as a metamodel using UML classes. This means that each process model must be traceable to a class hierarchy.

Content and goals

The goal of the project is to analyze the BPMN standard and to create a preferably complete UML diagram (class diagram). The UML diagram is based on the BPMN standard 2.0.2


Required Software:


  • Download or clone the repository
  • Open ./VisualParadigm_Project/BPMN2UML_V2.vpp with Visual Paradigm
  • In the Diagram Navigator > BPMN2UML > Class Diagram > Open BPMN2UML

BPMN standard as a UML class diagram

BPMN2UML class diagram

Conformance classes

The conformance classes of BPMN are marked by different background colors (classes and attributes).

The conformance classes of BPMN:

  • Descriptive conformance sub-class (cyan)
  • Analytic conformance sub-class (green)
  • Common executable conformance sub-class (orange)
  • Process modelling conformance class (white)
  • For process execution (yellow)

Proof of concept - A BPMN model as a object diagram

As proof of concept, an object diagram was created with the created class diagram, which represents an exemplary BPMN model.

Exemplary BPMN model

The following BPMN model was used for the proof of concept. Test BPMN

BPMN model as XML (simplified)

Simplified XML structure of the BPMN model:

   <process id="sid-21543069-f5db-4c09-8a35-c13bb8558a3e" isClosed="false" isExecutable="false" processType="None">
      <startEvent id="sid-C6FC241F-F72E-4720-BE76-FDD590A42CB6" name="Start1">
      <task completionQuantity="1" id="sid-1678751B-3DFD-4C2F-B0B1-2BC82502AD5E" isForCompensation="false" name="Task1" startQuantity="1">
      <endEvent id="sid-8713CB15-5127-407C-8B73-D2A7487CB9D6" name="End1">
      <exclusiveGateway gatewayDirection="Diverging" id="sid-0E620CE2-39F3-4DC3-B2BA-B4C0EF663099" name="Successful?">
      <task completionQuantity="1" id="sid-AAA09D7E-AFF9-475A-9388-388D560295E6" isForCompensation="false" name="Task2 - A" startQuantity="1">
      <task completionQuantity="1" id="sid-81900967-2F94-4816-8762-C15280E4F745" isForCompensation="false" name="Task2 - B" startQuantity="1">
      <sequenceFlow id="sid-62B4BF65-7D17-4656-88AF-D0AC23817F7D" name="" sourceRef="sid-C6FC241F-F72E-4720-BE76-FDD590A42CB6" targetRef="sid-1678751B-3DFD-4C2F-B0B1-2BC82502AD5E">
      <sequenceFlow id="sid-9BEB1D13-5E3F-485A-A8D7-4FB975A6C647" name="" sourceRef="sid-1678751B-3DFD-4C2F-B0B1-2BC82502AD5E" targetRef="sid-0E620CE2-39F3-4DC3-B2BA-B4C0EF663099">
      <sequenceFlow id="sid-91E8499A-E839-4D5C-B7B8-53BA0886EDED" name="no" sourceRef="sid-0E620CE2-39F3-4DC3-B2BA-B4C0EF663099" targetRef="sid-81900967-2F94-4816-8762-C15280E4F745">
      <sequenceFlow id="sid-7CB37B08-D365-4F97-82DC-B6BB0DBD5F2D" name="yes" sourceRef="sid-0E620CE2-39F3-4DC3-B2BA-B4C0EF663099" targetRef="sid-AAA09D7E-AFF9-475A-9388-388D560295E6">
      <sequenceFlow id="sid-D2A826FE-6253-47FD-9B2C-A243044A034C" name="" sourceRef="sid-AAA09D7E-AFF9-475A-9388-388D560295E6" targetRef="sid-8713CB15-5127-407C-8B73-D2A7487CB9D6">
      <sequenceFlow id="sid-CB58CE8F-707A-4498-BB42-ADDA41420911" name="" sourceRef="sid-81900967-2F94-4816-8762-C15280E4F745" targetRef="sid-8713CB15-5127-407C-8B73-D2A7487CB9D6">
   <bpmndi:BPMNDiagram id="sid-140bc4a4-1889-4f59-b8c1-2043e114ba49">
      <!-- Diagram and rendering information -->

Object diagram of the BPMN model

The following UML object diagram can be derived from the XML code:

Object diagram