The stages that Blue Husky Studios goes throguh when creating a product. This repo contains the following information in several formats.
Name | Description | Level Number | ASCII Sym. | Unicode Sym. | HTML Sym. |
Brainstorm | determine scope and purpose of the project | -3 | * | * | * |
Refine | determine a path for implementing the project | -2 | ... | … | … |
Mockup | create a proof-of-concept | -1 | M | μ | μ |
Lambda | create a minimum viable product | 0 | l | λ | λ |
Alpha | create a working prototype that can be criticized and changed | 1 | a | ɑ | α |
Beta | create a working product that can be refined and stablized | 2 | b | β | β |
Production | finalize and distribute the working product | 3 |
When a project is old and will no longer be maintained, it's said to be "vitrified", meaning that you can still see it but shouldn't try to use it anymore.