libvlc needs to be delay loaded in UE4, use above steps to generate a new libvlc.lib because the original one is being ignored as delay loaded
.def file must start with “EXPORTS” and only contain the function names per line With notepad++ Replace “^.*(libvlc)” with “libvlc” in Regular expression mode.
Download libvlc from:
Copy plugins/, libvlc.dll, libvlccore.dll to Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/VLC/Win64 Copy include/, lib/ to Engine/Source/ThirdParty/VLC. Make sure to include your generated libvlc.lib
Makes use the of vlc C++ wrapper "libvlcpp". Keep in mind that VLC is licensed under GPL which is incompatible to Unreal Engine 4.
Example usage:
SoundWave = NewObject<USoundWaveProcedural>(USoundWaveProcedural::StaticClass());
SoundWave->NumChannels = VLC_CHANNELS;
SoundWave->bLooping = false;
SoundWave->bCanProcessAsync = true;
SoundWave->bVirtualizeWhenSilent = true; // Play sound even when out of range
SoundWave->VirtualizationMode = EVirtualizationMode::PlayWhenSilent;
auto AudioPlayer = VlcInstance::Get()->CreateAudioPlayer(File);
if (!AudioPlayer->IsValid())
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("AudioPlayer->IsValid() failed"));
return false;
[this]() {
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("VLC reports an error %i"), FPlatformTLS::GetCurrentThreadId());
[]() {
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("VLC starts playing! %i"), FPlatformTLS::GetCurrentThreadId());
[this]() {
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("VLC stopped. %i"), FPlatformTLS::GetCurrentThreadId());
if (!AudioPlayer->Play())
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("AudioPlayer->Play() failed"));
return false;
weak_ptr<VlcAudioPlayer> WeakPlayer = AudioPlayer;
SoundWave->OnSoundWaveProceduralUnderflow = FOnSoundWaveProceduralUnderflow::CreateLambda([WeakPlayer](USoundWaveProcedural* InProceduralWave, int32 SamplesRequired) {
if (!WeakPlayer.expired())
auto AudioPlayer = WeakPlayer.lock();
if (AudioPlayer)
FVlcAudioSamples AudioData;
if (AudioPlayer->GetAudio(&AudioData))
UE_LOG(LogTemp, VeryVerbose, TEXT("SoundID Underflow requires %i samples, got %i"), SamplesRequired, AudioData.BufferSize);
InProceduralWave->QueueAudio(AudioData.SamplesBuffer.GetData(), AudioData.BufferSize);