BluePay iOS SDK for credit card and Apple Pay payments
Note: Apple Pay is no longer supported on the BluePay gateway
This repository contains a sample iOS app to be used to accept credit card (card-present and card-not-present) as well as Apple Pay payments through a BluePay gateway account as well as an SDK to handle said payments. Included in this repository are sample projects for both Objective-C and Swift. These projects were built and tested on iOS 9.3. For the swiped transactions, the SDK works with the IDTech Unimag II and Shuttle devices.
You will need:
- A BluePay Gateway account
An Apple Merchant ID (if processing Apple Pay)
After you've set up the appropriate entitlement in your iOS app, the only thing left to do is to input your BluePay gateway information. In the BluePay.m/BluePay.swift file, you will need to set a few merchant-specific values, namely:
- Your BluePay gateway Account ID
- Your BluePay gateway Secret Key
- Your transaction mode to process either test or live transactions
- Your transaction type of Auth or Sale.
class BluePay {
var bluepaySetup = [String: String]()
var AccountID: String = "Merchant's Account ID Here" // 12 digit Account ID
var SecretKey: String = "Merchant's Secret Key Here" // 32 digit Secret Key
var TransMode: String = "TEST" // TEST or LIVE mode
var TransType: String = "SALE" // SALE or AUTH; defaults to SALE unless explicitly specified
Also, if you are planning to process Apple Pay payments, you will need to input your Merchant Identifier in the ApplePayController.m/ApplePayController.swift file:
@IBAction func buttonTapped(sender: UIButton) {
request.merchantIdentifier = "Your Merchant ID Here"
Additional App Setup For Apple Pay
The sample iOS app requires the shipping and billing information for the customer. To change this, edit the following lines in your ApplePayController.m/ApplePayController.swift file.
@IBAction func buttonTapped(sender: UIButton) {
request.requiredShippingAddressFields = .All
request.requiredBillingAddressFields = .All
Also make sure that the currency code, country, and card types that you accept are included as well
request.countryCode = "US"
request.currencyCode = "USD"
request.supportedNetworks = [PKPaymentNetworkAmex, PKPaymentNetworkMasterCard, PKPaymentNetworkVisa]
Finally, don't forget to add the item(s) that your customer is paying for in the PKPaymentRequest
request.paymentSummaryItems = [widget1, widget2, total]
After a transaction is processed
You will get a real-time response back from BluePay when a transaction is processed. This result will be either: approved, declined, or errored. For Apple Pay: if approved, PKPaymentAuthorizationStatusSuccess is returned. If declined or errored, PKPaymentAuthorizationStatusFailure is returned.