Data Analysis program and framework for materials science data analytics, based on the managing framework SIMPL framework.
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Next Release Add/Fix Issues
#975 opened by imikejackson - 1
Error----ITK::Image Writer [6/8] ITK:Image Writer caused an error during execution. code -21011
#1036 opened by yline0829 - 2
Issue on exporting data: unindexed pixels(points) being converted to indexed pixels.
#1037 opened by AmitS07 - 1
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Loading non-equiaxed grains generates equiaxed grains for larger structures
#998 opened by InigoEHowe - 8
BUG: Feature quaternions generated by 'Single Cubic Phase Equiaxed' prebuilt pipeline are sometimes not equivalent to feature Euler angles
#1032 opened by StopkaKris - 1
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[6.5.x] Update EBSDLib to use the new added feature of correctly out-of-order ANG files
#1001 opened by imikejackson - 5
Issue exporting Face Feature Centroids
#1002 opened by eugenianietov - 0
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Problem with surface normals
#999 opened by eugenianietov - 0
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Issue Installing Python Distribution
#996 opened by hem-28 - 1
VTK STRUCTURED_POINTS Importer reads 3D data as 2D
#993 opened by hem-28 - 1
There is an error in LAMMPSPipeline.
#990 opened by we12306 - 1
FindSurfaceFeatures does not index into neighboring features properly when calculating surface features for a 2D geometry in the YZ plane.
#988 opened by joeykleingers - 2
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StatsGenerator computes NaN values for standard deviation in the neighbor distribution if bincount is large enough
#987 opened by cartercocke - 3
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"ITK::Import Image Montage" crashes the application
#986 opened by Edodums - 0
FindBoundingBoxFeatures: Bug in 2D geometries where the XY coordinates are always based off an XY plane
#985 opened by imikejackson - 1
Filter 'Generate Ensemble Statistics' will crash if Calculate Crystallographic Statistics and Laue classes *other* than cubic or hexagonal are used.
#984 opened by imikejackson - 5
Error with qwt-6.1.5 during install
#983 opened by efreeman74 - 10
Any need for alternative grain boundary (GB) distance metrics than Morawiec 2013? 5DOF property interpolation?
#972 opened by sgbaird - 0
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Generate FZQuaternions does not validate the data arrays selected have the same number of tuples
#981 opened by imikejackson - 0
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Too much memory just open software.
#963 opened by Adam-S-Yanxuan - 4
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Composite Prebuilt pipeline crashes on execution
#965 opened by imikejackson - 0
StatsGenerator/MDF Tab unable to set the Axis values to anything other than <0,0,1>
#964 opened by imikejackson - 3
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StatsGenerator from 6.5.141 does not save the ODF data into the JSON File. 6.5.121 did.
#962 opened by imikejackson - 1
'Import SPPARKS Dump File' filter does not accept float point values in SPPARKS dump file
#960 opened by weeshinwang - 1
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Align Sections (List) does not allow user to set the Cell Attribute Matrix.
#955 opened by imikejackson - 1
DREAM3D to abaqus
#950 opened by leoving - 0
Sanity check availability of groups in H5Ebsd to ensure that all slices are available for reading
#952 opened by imikejackson - 0
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Initialize Synthetic Volume: Allow user to select previously generated Image Geometry
#942 opened by imikejackson - 0
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Duplicates of the same filter in a single pipeline cause usability issues
#921 opened by mmarineBlueQuartz - 0