[Deprecated] New bindings: A collection of third party bindings for RoboVM iOS
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inapp-purchase jar download?
#190 opened by piotrros - 0
Google Play Games Services: No callback on registered GPGStatusDelegate instance
#191 opened by julienvillegas - 2
Google Play Games Services: No callback on registered GPGStatusDelegate instance
#176 opened by kutoman - 6
I want to use iAd.
#168 opened by neopraveen - 1
Vungle sample not working
#170 opened by TheAndroidMachine - 0
It went wrong when I binds with one IOS SDK.
#188 opened by yx421626416 - 3
The admob version is too old,how can i update it?
#187 opened by yx421626416 - 2
in-app purchases IOS
#186 opened by AceEX7 - 4
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Adcolony support
#183 opened by Hydrogenhax - 2
in-app purchases for iOS 9
#182 opened by aphex- - 0
Update Tapjoy to version 11?
#181 opened by ericnondahl - 3
Crashlytics and robovm
#173 opened by marcguilera - 2
Parse bindings not working
#178 opened by ASMCOM - 1
GPGS Leaderboard error
#138 opened by feeloor - 1
App crashes on a device : "The app crashed: Terminated due to signal 6. ** Maybe an IAP issue as well. **
#142 opened by ASMCOM - 1
AdMob Errors no long appear to be coming through didFailToReceiveAd - 1.0.0
#165 opened by MonsterOfCookie - 8
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Issue with Admob bindings
#125 opened by barodapride - 1
Getting rid of Admob Xcode project
#161 opened by obigu - 4
AdMob interstitial randomly crashes
#172 opened by mickmuzac - 1
No new snapshots since Dec, 12, 2014
#144 opened by alexander-mironov - 8
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How to fix NoSuchMethodError: after update?
#133 opened by AgrarPirat - 2
Chartboost's Rewarded Video not present
#159 opened by ASMCOM - 2
Chartboost ChartboostDelegateAdapter() not working.
#160 opened by ASMCOM - 1
Chartboost.start(...) -> Exception
#180 opened by wsrdzg - 2
facebook binding - invitable_friend request issue
#162 opened by fuatcoskun - 3
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RoboVM 1.2.0
#174 opened by ollyde - 0
binding with admob sdk7.2.2 problems
#179 opened by windwing1883 - 0
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AppsFlyer Bindings
#171 opened by ASMCOM - 3
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Admob banner crash on IPAD when build with 64 bit
#152 opened by dzungpv - 2
Appirater crashes on didFinshLounching
#141 opened by ASMCOM - 1
[Youtube] Play video youtube !
#127 opened by saruno - 1
Feature request: Return selected friends at FBWebDialogs.presentRequestDialog
#140 opened by AgrarPirat - 6
Only FacebookLoginListener.onCancel() gets called.
#128 opened by AgrarPirat - 1
Missing GooglePlayGames framework file
#139 opened by kandaaaaa - 3
GameCenterManager compilation issues with 1.0.Beta2
#137 opened by obigu - 1
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Discussion Group created
#132 opened by rotter - 0
Facebook-Bindings FBShareDialogParams.setDescription() not working
#136 opened by morten-christiansen - 1
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Admob new binding Error - "Framework not found Metal for architecture armv7" Problem occurs after last commit.
#129 opened by neopraveen - 1