Simple Spotify App


This project was originally started to learn about about Oauth for authenitication. The plan was to build a simply script that would be able to grab whatever song I was currently listenting to in Spotify. Well that portion ended up turning into a full blown module to interact with Spotify. I am currently building this for fun, and will use it as a base to learn more about various development task.

Things To Explore\Learn
Github Action
Code Test
Data Classes
Things To Add
Robust token handling
All Spotify Endpoints
Result attributes
Error Checking Throughout

As this is a hobby project, it should work for the examples and the current endpoint built, but just keep in mind that this will get changed quite often as I continue to want to tinker with new things.

Below are a few of the endpoints we support, and also an example script how how you can authenticate and start using the API.

You can also fork this project and update the repoisitory secrets and use the provided runner, to communicate directly with Spotify. You can review a small example of this within the text file here:

_CLIENT_ID This will be the Application ID generated from the spotify developer dashbaord
_CLIENT_SECRET This will be the Application Secret generated from the spotify developer dashbaord
_REFRESH_TOKEN After you run the application loca we will generate a refresh token in a local file. Grab this token and update the value of this secret

Example 1. Get currently playing song on Spotify.

from source.auth.spotify_oauth_authorization import OauthSpotify_Authorization_Code_Flow
from source.interact.spotify_api import SpotifyHandler
import pprint

spotify_authenticator = OauthSpotify_Authorization_Code_Flow(scopes=["user-read-currently-playing"])

if spotify_authenticator.authenticated:
    spotify_interact = SpotifyHandler(auth_manager=spotify_authenticator)
    playing = spotify_interact.spotify_currently_playing(realtime=True)

An example of the output is shown below, note the interval time is variable and can be changed using a different parameter.

As shown above we use realtime=True this arguement takes a boolean. This will tell the module to keep printing any new songs as they are returned from Spotify, using the interval specified. By deafault this is set to realtime=False.


Example 2. Getting the audtio features for a given track ID.

from source.auth.spotify_oauth_authorization import OauthSpotify_Authorization_Code_Flow
from source.interact.spotify_api import SpotifyHandler
import pprint

spotify_authenticator = OauthSpotify_Authorization_Code_Flow(scopes=["user-read-recently-played", 'user-top-read'])

if spotify_authenticator.authenticated:
    spotify_interact = SpotifyHandler(auth_manager=spotify_authenticator)

    playing = spotify_interact.spotify_track_audio_features(spotify_id="11dFghVXANMlKmJXsNCbNl")
    pprint.pprint(playing, compact=True)

Would return a dict object similar to what is shown below.

{'acousticness': 0.011,                                                             
 'analysis_url': '',
 'danceability': 0.696,                                                             
 'duration_ms': 207960,                                                             
 'energy': 0.905,                                                                   
 'id': '11dFghVXANMlKmJXsNCbNl',                                                    
 'instrumentalness': 0.000905,
 'key': 2,
 'liveness': 0.302,
 'loudness': -2.743,
 'mode': 1,
 'speechiness': 0.103,
 'tempo': 114.944,
 'time_signature': 4,
 'track_href': '',
 'type': 'audio_features',
 'uri': 'spotify:track:11dFghVXANMlKmJXsNCbNl',
 'valence': 0.625}

Currently Supported Endpoints Are Below

Most methods if not all should have the proper docstrings and type checks