
Turn Minecraft Beta 1.8.1 into a tropical paradise!

MIT LicenseMIT

Tropical Adventure is a mod for Minecraft Beta 1.8.1 that transforms the world into a tropical paradise. Filled with new biomes to explore, new blocks to build with and a new thirst mechanic!

This mod was made for the Omniarchive 2023 Summer Modjam in collaboration with icanttellyou.


  • 14 new / transformed biomes (7 land, 3 ocean and 4 beach)
  • New thirst mechanic to replace hunger
  • New blocks to build with
  • Replaced wolves with fennec foxes
  • Flippers for faster swimming: crafted like iron boots with leather at the bottom
  • Increased world height
  • Huge caves found deep underground

Thirst Guide

Thirst may be difficult to deal with at first, but it is simple. Just like hunger, the thirst meter goes down over time and needs to be filled up by drinking water. Water can be picked up with bowls and glass bottles, but it is impure (some thirst is drained). To purify water, either throw bowls / bottles into fire or smelt them. Because hunger has been replaced by thirst, food now directly heals the player and the player does not regenerate health over time.
