
BlueHub Is A Open Source Purchasing Hub Created With javascript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Go To .env and config everything in there & then do npm install after that do node server.js then your done There No provided Hub with This But We Give The Whitelist Code & Main Hub Code:

Written below is a ModuleScript that you may use to make coding your hub easier. Setting it up should be easy, but please ensure that this script is inside ServerScriptService, as it contains confidential information. It is not recommended to edit the script in any other place than the URL variable and the Key variable.

--[[ ROBLOX-HubModule Please do not edit below! This script should be obfuscated to increase security. --]]

local URL = ""; -- IP:PORT or Defined URL local Key = ""; -- API Key defined in your .env file

--[[ // Functions \ -------------- GetStatus() returns true/false (Is it running?) -------------- GetUserProducts([User ID]) returns Array[Products] -------------- GetVerifyStatus([User ID]) returns 'link'/'complete' -------------- GetLinkCode([User ID]) returns Link Code (Returns false if verified) -------------- WaitForVerify([User ID]) returns void (Returns when user is verified) -------------- GetAllProducts() returns Array[Products] -------------- WhitelistUser([Product ID], [User ID]) returns true/false (Did the delivery DM succeed?) -------------- RevokeUser([Product ID], [User ID]) returns void -------------- --]]

local Success,Error = pcall(function() if game.Players.LocalPlayer ~= nil then game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick("HUB | You must not have this Module stored locally!"); end; end); if not script:IsDescendantOf(game.ServerScriptService) then error("HUB | You must have this Module this in ServerScriptService!"); end; function GetURL(Endpoint) return 'http://'..URL..Endpoint.."?key="..Key; end; local HttpService = { GetAsync = function(ResURL) local Request = game:GetService('HttpService'):RequestAsync({ Url = ResURL; Method = "GET"; }); if not Request.Success then return nil; else return Request.StatusCode, game:GetService('HttpService'):JSONDecode(Request.Body); end; end; }; local Module = {}; Module.GetStatus = function(ID) local RetVal = false; local s = pcall(function() local Status, Data = HttpService.GetAsync(GetURL('/')); if not Data then RetVal = false; end; if Data.running == true then RetVal = true; end; end) return RetVal end; Module.GetUserProducts = function(ID) local RetVal = nil; local s = pcall(function() local Status, Data = HttpService.GetAsync(GetURL('/user/'..ID)); RetVal = Data.value.products; end) return RetVal end; Module.GetVerifyStatus = function(ID) local RetVal = nil; local s = pcall(function() local Status, Data = HttpService.GetAsync(GetURL('/user/'..ID)); RetVal = Data.value.verify.status; end) return RetVal end; Module.GetLinkCode = function(ID) local RetVal = nil; local s = pcall(function() local Status, Data = HttpService.GetAsync(GetURL('/user/'..ID)); if Data.value.verify.status == 'link' then RetVal = Data.value.verify.value; else RetVal = false; end; end) return RetVal end; Module.WaitForVerify = function(ID) local s = pcall(function() while true do local Status, Data = HttpService.GetAsync(GetURL('/user/'..ID)); if Data.value.verify.status == 'complete' then break; end; wait(2); end; end) end; Module.GetAllProducts = function(ID) local RetVal = nil; local s = pcall(function() local Status, Data = HttpService.GetAsync(GetURL('/products')); RetVal = Data.products; end) return RetVal end; Module.WhitelistUser = function(Product, ID) local RetVal = nil; local s = pcall(function() local Status, Data = HttpService.GetAsync(GetURL('/products/give/'..Product..'/'..ID)); RetVal = Data.dm; end) return RetVal end; Module.RevokeUser = function(Product, ID) local RetVal = nil; local s = pcall(function() local Status, Data = HttpService.GetAsync(GetURL('/products/revoke/'..Product..'/'..ID)); end) return RetVal end; return Module; Checking the Whitelist Written below is a Whitelist Checker that you may use to check whitelists. Setting it up should be easy, but please ensure that this script is directly inside the main folder, as it will destroy the parent of the script when loading. It is recommended that all server-side code is stored in this whitelist script and this whitelist script is obfuscated, so that no one can remove this script and have it still run entirely.

--[[ ROBLOX-Whitelist Please do not edit below! This script should be obfuscated to increase security. --]]

-- PRODUCT SETUP local ProductId = "" local URL = "" -- "IP:Port"

local UnloadProduct = function() -- Insert code here to unload the product. warn("["..string.upper(ProductId).."] Unloaded!") end local LoadProduct = function() -- Insert code here to load the product. warn("["..string.upper(ProductId).."] Loaded!") end

-- WHITELIST CHECK local Http = game:GetService("HttpService") warn("["..string.upper(ProductId).."] Loading...") local HTTPInfoEncoded = "" local HttpEnabled, HttpError = pcall(function() HTTPInfoEncoded = Http:GetAsync("http://"..URL.."/game/"..ProductId.."/?job=a"..game.JobId) end) if HttpEnabled == false and HttpError == "Http requests are not enabled. Enable via game settings" then warn("["..string.upper(ProductId).."] Please enable HTTP Services.") spawn(UnloadProduct) return elseif HttpEnabled == false then warn("["..string.upper(ProductId).."] There was an issue connecting to the server. ("..HttpError..")") spawn(UnloadProduct) return end local HTTPInfo = Http:JSONDecode(HTTPInfoEncoded) if HTTPInfo.status == "error" then warn("["..string.upper(ProductId).."] "..HTTPInfo.error) local s, e = pcall(UnloadProduct) if not s then warn("["..string.upper(ProductId).."] Error while unloading: "..e) end script:Destroy() return elseif HTTPInfo.owned == false then warn("["..string.upper(ProductId).."] User does not own product.") local s, e = pcall(UnloadProduct) if not s then warn("["..string.upper(ProductId).."] Error while unloading: "..e) end script:Destroy() return elseif game:GetService('RunService'):IsStudio() then warn("["..string.upper(ProductId).."] Products do not work in Studio.") local s, e = pcall(UnloadProduct) if not s then warn("["..string.upper(ProductId).."] Error while unloading: "..e) end script:Destroy() return end local s, e = pcall(LoadProduct) if not s then warn("["..string.upper(ProductId).."] Error while loading: "..e) end -- For security measures, it is suggested that you add script:Destroy() here. return