"token": "Token",
"prefix": "!",
"welcome_channel": "Channel to send welcome messages in.",
"embed_emoji": "The ID of emoji to put at end of message. Leave blank for none. (emoji must be in a guild that the bot is in.)",
"logchannel": "Channel to send log messages in.",
"activity1": "for new users!",
"type1": "WATCHING",
"activity2": "version 2.0",
"type2": "PLAYING",
"activitytime": "15000",
"ownerID": "Your ID. (Only one)",
"customtext": "Please read our rules & have a great time!",
"embed_title": "Any name you want. (leave blank for the Guild name.)",
"embed_guildname": "Any name you want. (leave blank for the Guild name.)"