
Variational AutoEncoder

Primary LanguagePython


Variational AutoEncoder


  • This is a tensorflow implementation for paper Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes, the basic version come from hwalsuklee/tensorflow-mnist-CVAE
  • Experiment for different dimensions of z: 2,4,8,10,20,100
  • High light results:
    • sampling manifold and mappings of train and test data(for mnist and dimension 2)
    • reconstruction results among all dimensions(that means a mapping from x to x_hat)
  • Something interesting: plot sum loss, binary cross entropy loss(BCE) and kl-divergence(KLD). To my surprised, the results of BCE and KLD are logical, but the dim20 get the lowest sum loss, not the dim100.



Visualizations of data manifold. Note: in manifold.png the range of z is [-2,2]


The distribution of labeled data(including train and test).

train mappings test mappings

Loss & BCE & KLD

Sum Loss BCE KLD


Reconstruction for images. Dimension is a very import factor for reconstruction.

2-Dim latent space 4-Dim latent space 8-Dim latent space
10-Dim latent space 20-Dim latent space 100-Dim latent space


[1] hwalsuklee/tensorflow-mnist-VAE
[2] kvfrans/variational-autoencoder