
JS merge and minifying middleware for clojure. Based on dieter.

Primary LanguageClojure


JS merge and minifier


Add the following dependency to your project.clj file:

[jsify "0.1.4"]


(require '[jsify :as jsify])

(def jsify-settings {
      :engine       :v8
      :cache-mode   :development
      :compress     false
      :cache-root   "resources/public/js/" 
      :asset-roots  "resources/private/js/"
      :log-level    :quiet

For noir

(noir/add-middleware jsify/jsify-middleware jsify-settings)

For ring

(-> app (jsify/jsify-middleware jsify-settings))

To get the link to the output simply use:

(jsify/link-to-asset "app.jsify" jsify-settings)

resources/private/js/app.jsify will look like this:


JSify will only rebuild the javascript when files are changed.