
A sample project used to test the integration between Airship SDK and Bluedot Point SDK.

Primary LanguageSwift

Airship Events Example

A sample project used to test the integration between Airship SDK and Bluedot Point SDK.

Getting started

This project depends on BluedotPointSDK and Airship-iOS-SDK. Both dependencies can be managed by Cocoapods. Please refer to the Podfile in the repository.


Install git-lfs and lfs using the below commands:

brew install git-lfs

git lfs install

Implement BluedotPointSDK

  1. Follow official Bluedot documentation to integrate Bluedot iOS PointSDK into your app.

  2. Update value of bluedotProjectId inside ViewController class to your projectId from Bluedot Canvas

  3. Start PointSDK's initialization + geoTriggering service. See initializeSDK() function in ViewController class.

  4. Implement BDPGeoTriggeringEventDelegate to handle check-in, check-out events:


@interface YourClass () <BDPGeoTriggeringEventDelegate>

@implementation YourClass

- (void)didEnterZone:(nonnull GeoTriggerEvent *)enterEvent {
    // your logic on checkin

- (void)didExitZone:(nonnull GeoTriggerEvent *)exitEvent {
    // your logic after checkout



extension YourClass: BDPGeoTriggeringEventDelegate {

    func didEnterZone(_ triggerEtrerEvent: GeoTriggerEvent) {
        // your logic on checkin
    func didExitZone(_ triggerExitEvent: GeoTriggerEvent) {
        // your logic after checkout
  1. Assign the delegate to your class


YourClass *instanceOfYourClass = [[YourClass alloc] init];
BDLocationManager.instance.geoTriggeringEventDelegate = instanceOfYourClass;


let instanceOfYourClass = YourClass()
BDLocationManager.instance()?.geoTriggeringEventDelegate = instanceOfYourClass

Implement Airship-iOS-SDK

  1. Follow official Airship documentation to integrate Airship iOS SDK into your app. Please note that Airship has to be initialized before sending any Bluedot check-in/check-out events.

  2. Update Airship configurations in Application's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method as per your Airship setup: development/production app key/secret, US/EU site, notification settings...


- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    UAConfig *config = [UAConfig config];
    config.developmentAppKey = @"YOUR DEV APP KEY";
    config.developmentAppSecret = @"YOUR DEV APP SECRET";
    config.productionAppKey = @"YOUR PRODUCTION APP KEY";
    config.productionAppSecret = @"YOUR PRODUCTION APP SECRET";
    config.site = UASiteUS;
    config.URLAllowListScopeOpenURL = YES;
    config.URLAllowList = @[@"*"];

    [UAirship takeOff:config launchOptions:launchOptions];
    [UAirship push].userPushNotificationsEnabled = YES;


func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool {
    // Create Airship config
    let config = Config()

    // Set production and development separately.
    // Alternatively you can use AirshipConfig.plist file to store all Airship configurations. More details please see https://docs.airship.com/platform/mobile/setup/sdk/ios/
    config.developmentAppKey = "YOUR DEV APP KEY"
    config.developmentAppSecret = "YOUR DEV APP SECRET"

    config.productionAppKey = "YOUR PRODUCTION APP KEY"
    config.productionAppSecret = "YOUR PRODUCTION APP SECRET"

    // Set site. Either .us or .eu
    config.site = .us

    // Allow lists. User * to allow anything
    config.urlAllowList = ["*"]

    // Call takeOff
    Airship.takeOff(config, launchOptions: launchOptions)

    Airship.push.userPushNotificationsEnabled = true
  1. Track custom Airship events in your checkins/checkouts. See code examples in AppDelegate+BDPLocationEvents.swift class.


@interface YourClass () <BDPGeoTriggeringEventDelegate>

@implementation YourClass

- (void)didEnterZone:(nonnull GeoTriggerEvent *)triggerEvent {
    NSLog(@"Entered zone: %@", triggerEvent.zoneInfo.name);
    CustomEvent *event = [[CustomEvent alloc] initWithZone:triggerEvent.zoneInfo];
    [event track];

- (void)didExitZone:(nonnull GeoTriggerEvent *)triggerEvent {
    NSLog(@"Exited zone: %@", triggerEvent.zoneInfo.name);
    CustomEvent *event = [[CustomEvent alloc] initWithZone:triggerEvent.zoneInfo dwellTime:triggerEvent.exitEvent.dwellTime];
    [event track];



extension YourClass: BDPGeoTriggeringEventDelegate {

    func didEnterZone(_ triggerEvent: GeoTriggerEvent) {
        print("Entered zone: \(String(describing: triggerEvent.zoneInfo.name))")
        let event = CustomEvent(zone: triggerEvent.zoneInfo)
    func didExitZone(_ triggerEvent: GeoTriggerEvent) {
        print("Exited zone: \(String(describing: exitEvent.zone().name))")
        let event = CustomEvent(zone: triggerEvent.zoneInfo, dwellTime: triggerEvent.exitEvent?.dwellTime)

More Details

Full documentation about Bluedot And Airship integration can be found at https://docs.bluedot.io/integrations/airship-integration/.