This is a sample application implementing Blueleaf's Single Sign-On Servie Provider specification, using Blueleaf as the Identity Provider (IdP).

The key parameters are as follows:

settings =

settings.idp_entity_id                  = ""
settings.idp_sso_target_url             = ""
settings.idp_cert_fingerprint           = "0de3c93f93e02ad3764f9dbd21a80edac6b1521b6f78bcbfbe9558bce1226c88"
settings.idp_cert_fingerprint_algorithm = ""
settings.name_identifier_format         = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent"

Contact with your SSO initialization endpoint, and your logo.

In plain English:

  • Our SSO Entity ID and target url are
  • The certificate digest is pre-shared statically.
  • Use SHA-256 to verify our certificate against the digest
  • The NameId is stable, and is formatted as an integer.
  • The authentication flow is:
    • User logs in to Blueleaf
    • User click on partner's logo
    • Binding Option
      • User is redirected to partner authentication page
      • User authenticates with partner
      • Partner binds Blueleaf's NameId to the authenticated user
    • Auto-provisioning Option
      • Partner creates local user from supplementary data sent (TBD)
      • Partner binds new user to Blueleaf NameId
    • Partner displays or redirects user to the expected landing page
  • on future connections
    • partner looks up user binding to Blueleaf NameId
    • partner bypasses prompting for credentials if binding is found
    • partner redirects user to expected landing page