A clean, weightless theme created to evoke an elegant, modern, cozy feel. This theme was heavily inspired by hydescarf's Mado Miniflow Theme and the Ultra Lobster Theme by kneecaps. This is also my first theme.


🎨 Color

  • Respects your color choices.
    • Accent color affects sidebars, the main note pane, and more.
  • Stays Consistent
    • Values stay the same, regardless of whether you choose a dull or intense accent color. No interference with contrast.
  • Easy on the eyes in both light and dark mode.

🎩 Style

  • Various elements have been rounded for a cleaner, more cozy feel.
  • Box shadows give depth to certain elements.
  • Header sizes increase more by level, making each one easily distinguishable.
  • Headers 1 & 2 are centered

🔤 Recommended Fonts

  • Yu Gothic
  • Malgun Gothic
  • Sitka Small

🔌Compatible Plug-Ins

  • Dataview
  • Style Settings

✂️ Compatible Snippets

  • Built-In support for Kepano's Minimal cards CSS class.
  • hydescarf's mado panels code (can be found in the Mado Miniflow theme)


  • ⭐ hydescarf's Mado Miniflow theme
    • used code to round the main note pane
    • inspiration
  • ⭐ kepano's Minimal theme
    • cards CSS class
  • ⭐ kneecaps' Ultra Lobster Theme
    • inspiration