
The Project Winter bot

Primary LanguagePython


The Project Winter bot


Docker is recommended for deployment and development as it means that all requirements and dependencies stay the same, but the bot runs perfectly fine without it.

  1. Set up configuration

Create a new file, config.py in the root directory, and use the following template:

client_id = 0  # Bot's client ID
token = ''  # Bot's token
postgresql = 'postgresql://postgres:postgres@postgres/pwbot'  # Your PostgreSQL info
weather_key = '' # Your weather api key

Additionally a json file named settings.json will be needed. This allows the bot to save certain data past restart

See cogs/utils/settings.py for keys which need to be defined in the json file.

Name the Google Sheets API key json file gsheets.json and place it under cogs.

  1. Install dependencies

If you use plan on using Docker you can skip this step.

Poetry is used to manage dependencies, it can be installed with pip install poetry. Then install the real project dependencies with poetry install.

Lastly, you will need PostgreSQL installed and type this into the psql tool:


Make sure to adjust the postgresql variable in config.py. It should most likely be:

postgresql = 'postgresql://pwbot:yourpw@localhost/pwbot'
  1. Starting the bot

Using Docker, simply start the bot with docker-compose up (or any variatons such as sudo docker-compose up or docker compose up).

Without Docker, make sure PostgreSQL is running then execute poetry run python launcher.py

  1. Creating database tables

When the bot starts and is able to connect to the database, open another able process before running any commands. Run the following command:

# For Docker (replace `pwbot_bot_1` with container name)
docker exec -it pwbot_bot_1 poetry run python launcher.py database init
# For non-Docker setup
poetry run python launcher.py database init

When later upgrading run the migrate script with:

# For Docker (replace `pwbot_bot_1` with container name)
docker exec -it pwbot_bot_1 poetry run python launcher.py database migrate
# For non-Docker setup
poetry run python launcher.py database migrate