Online Food Shop CSE-365 (Artificial intelligence)

Project Description:
We have build a online food shop using prolog language. It was created as the final project for CSE-365 (Artificial intelligence) course. It currently doesn't have any GUI version and can only be used via Console.

The functions availabe in this projects are-
1)Viewing the food lists(You can see the foods availabe in the shop and their unit price).
2)Customer can also place order (add items to his cart).
3)Customer can ask for Memo after placing order(The memo will give product details i.e: product name,quantity ,and total amount).

Tool Used:
SWI-Prolog For Developing the Project.
Latex For Making Report in PDF Format.

Group Members:
Kevin Stephen Biswas Role: Programmer.
Rimon Kumar Das
Md. Rasel Miah