
Implements a recursive algorithm to evaluate any algebraic expression.

  • Operators ○ Addition: + ○ Subtraction: - ○ Multiplication: * ○ Division: / ○ Grouping: ()

  • Operands ○ Numerals: 32.436, 18.7, 42

  • The following would be valid expressions and their corresponding evaluations: ○ 3 + 12 * 3 / 12 => 6 ○ (3 + 3) * 42 / (6 + 12) => 14

  • The following would not be valid expressions: ○ 4 (12E) => Invalid Expression ○ 4 (41) => Invalid Expression ○ 42+43**271 => Invalid Expression

Built With

  • Python

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.




Run tests

    python -m unittest discover --verbose -s ./test -p "*"


👤 Marylene Sawyer

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed