Windows MSVC2019 & Ubuntu latest:
A lab for real-time rendering based on OpenGL4.5 with DSA.
The Framework is originally based on Some code and resources are from
OpenGL 4.5+ and ARB_bindless_texture are needed.
Known issue: Intel GPU may NOT support the bindless extension.
Mainly developed and tested on Nvidia GTX1050TI. Some code are also tested on AMD GPU.
Compile: go for build.yaml for details.
note: Code, especially the shader code, is copied from LearnOpenGL.
work from siggraph PBR模型由于不考虑多次反射,在表面粗糙度大的时候会造成能量损失。Kulla-conty方法将损失的能量预计算后补偿回去。 可见第一排不补偿能量随着粗糙度增加逐渐变暗。 实现的感觉有Bug,但是没想清楚Bug在哪里,有空修吧。
Weighted Blended OIT
note: Code, especially the shader code, is copied from LearnOpenGL
Linearly Transformed Cosines
Don't take any code of it as reference. This is a minimal demo for verifying with Lots of BUGS. If you are interested, a good beginning is the paper and webgl demo
- Pixel Buffer Object
测试PBO的上传和下载。 思路来自 和OpenGL Insights Chapter 28. 注意: 实现上和文章描述的方式略有不同。文章中每次采用glBufferData创建了一个新的可变Buffer,而我的实现中采用glBufferStorage创建的不可变Buffer。 原文章的实现中由于每次创建了一个新的Buffer,所以不用考虑同步问题,OpenGL驱动会维护旧的Buffer的生命周期。 而我的实现每次都是在原有的Buffer上覆盖数据,所以要处理同步问题(避免上一帧还没写完下一帧就开始写了)。
交替上传 1024x1024xRGBU8的纹理。性能基准数据:
纹理只准备一次,Baseline: 约2900 fps
每帧同步上传一张纹理:约800 fps
单个PBO: 约1000~ FPS
两个FBO交替上传: 约1200FPS
Deferred MSAA
一个tech demo用以简易实现以下文章里描述的 Per-SubSample着色的方法,以在延迟管线下做MSAA。