
In-game UI for managing MelonLoader Mod Preferences, with IL2CPP and Mono support.

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


In-game UI for managing MelonLoader Mod Preferences. Supports IL2CPP and Mono Unity games.

Requires MelonLoader v0.5+

✨ Powered by UniverseLib


How to use

  • Put the DLLs in your Mods folder.
  • Start the game and press F5 to open the Menu.
  • You can change the keybinding under the MelonPreferencesManager category in the Menu, or by editing the file UserData\MelonPreferences.cfg.

Common issues and solutions

Although this tool should work out of the box for most Unity games, in some cases you may need to tweak the settings for it to work properly.

To adjust the settings, open the config file: UserData\MelonPreferences.cfg

Try adjusting the following settings and see if it fixes your issues:

  • Startup_Delay_Time - increase to 5-10 seconds (or more as needed), can fix issues with the UI being destroyed or corrupted during startup.
  • Disable_EventSystem_Override - if input is not working properly, try setting this to true.

If these fixes do not work, please create an issue in this repo and I'll do my best to look into it.

Info for developers

The UI supports the following types by default:

  • Toggle: bool
  • Number input: int, float etc (any primitive number type)
  • String input: string
  • Key binder: UnityEngine.KeyCode or UnityEngine.InputSystem.Key
  • Dropdown: enum
  • Multi-toggle: enum with [Flags] attribute
  • Color picker: UnityEngine.Color or UnityEngine.Color32
  • Struct editor: UnityEngine.Vector3, UnityEngine.Quaternion, etc
  • Toml input: Anything else as long as Tomlet can serialize it.

To make a slider, use a number type and provide a ValueRange for the Validator when creating the entry. For example:

  • myCategory.CreateEntry("SomeFloat", 0f, validator: new ValueRange<float>(-1f, 1f));
  • myCategory.CreateEntry("SomeByte", 32, validator: new ValueRange<byte>(0, 255));

You can override the Toml input for a Type by registering your own InteractiveValue for it. Refer to existing classes for more concrete examples.

// Define an InteractiveValue class to handle 'Something'
public class InteractiveSomething : InteractiveValue
    // declaring this ctor is required
    public InteractiveSomething(object value, Type fallbackType) : base(value, fallbackType) { }

    // you could also check "if type == typeof(Something)" to be more strict
    public override bool SupportsType(Type type) => typeof(Something).IsAssignableFrom(type);

    // override other methods as necessary

// Register your class in your MelonMod.OnApplicationStart method
public class MyMod : MelonLoader.MelonMod
    public override void OnApplicationStart()