Lab: Blitter

A modified version of Hannah Howard's "Blitter" exercise.

Are you ready to build the next hot Silicon-Valley Startup: Blitter?

If there's one VC space that is wide open for almost instant success, it's social networking. You pretty much build a social networking site of any kind, and Bam! you're worth a billion dollars.

So let's do this. Your job is to build an Angular site that pulls a list of "bleets" from an API and displays them in a list on a page. Your page should also have the ability to add new bleets, edit existing bleets and delete bleets. And, you should be able to click on a bleet and display a detail page for just that individual bleet. Along the way, you will need to use ui-router and ngResource.


Bleets will be accessible via a local Rails-based API. To get this up and running, follow the instructions below...

git clone
cd blitter-api
bundle install
rake db:create db:migrate db:seed
rails s
# open http://localhost:3000/bleets.json

Each bleet looks like this...

  "content":"Is there a hack and tell meetup in DC?",

To retrieve all bleets, you can send a GET request to http://localhost:3000/bleets. To get an individual bleet, just add an id to the end of the url, like so - http://localhost:3000/bleets/2.


1. Bootstrap an Angular application. It should have...

  • A master blitter module.
  • A bleets sub-module that handles all "Bleet" related functionality.

2. Include ui-router and use it to...

  • Create two routes. One for an index of bleets, the other for a show page.
  • Don't forget to add the directive required to view different states in your HTML.

ui-router documentation.

3. Create a factory that allows you to consume the Blitter API using ngResource and $resource.

$resource documentation.

4. Create a controller for each route.

  • The controller should have access to the functionality defined in your factory.

5. Create index.html and show.html bleet views.

  • index should list all bleets. show should offer a detailed view of each bleet.
  • In index, each bleet should have a link to its respective show page.

6. Add new functionality to your application. You can either...

  • Create a separate route, controller and view (with form) for new functionality. Or...
  • You can place the form on the index page and define form functionality in the index controller. No additional route required.
  • In either scenario, submission of the form should trigger a method in your controller that creates a new bleet in the API.

BONUS: If you go with the second index option, make it so that the new form only appears when you click a "New Grumble" button or link.

7. Add edit functionality to your application. You can either...

  • Create a separate route, controller and view (with form) for edit functionality. Or...
  • You can place the form on the show page and define form functionality in the show controller. No additional route required.
  • In either scenario, submission of the form should trigger a method in your controller that updates a bleet in the API.

BONUS: If you go with the second show option, make it so that the new form only appears when you click a "Edit Grumble" button or link.

8. Add a delete button or link next to each bleet in index.html.

  • When clicked, a controller method should be triggered that deletes the corresponding bleet in the API.


Add Like/Dislike Functionality

You'll notice that each post in the API has a likes value. Make it so that a user can like a bleet -- i.e., increment a bleet's likes by 1.

  • Each bleet's like value should be displayed on its index and show views.
  • "Liking" should be triggered by clicking a button, link or icon located next to the bleet on its index and show views.

Once you've done that, implement some "dislike" functionality.

Add Comments

The API also includes comments. A comment belongs to a bleet. A bleet's comments can be retrieving by accessing a URL like http://localhost:3000/bleets/2/comments. Each comment looks like this...

  "id": 1,
  "content": "Wait, what?!",
  "bleet_id": 1,
  "created_at": "2016-07-12T15:05:54.189Z",
  "updated_at": "2016-07-12T15:05:54.189Z"

A user should be able to comment on any bleet.

  • A bleet's comments should be visible on that bleet's show page.
  • A form to add a comment should exist on a bleet's show page.
  • Each comment should have an "Edit Comment" button or link next to it. When clicked, an edit form appears below the comment.
  • Each comment should have a "Delete Comment" button or link next to it. When clicked, the comment is (a) deleted from the database and (b) removed from the page.s
  • A comment DOES NOT needs its own show view.