Edit a database table using the VIM editor.
Inspired by vidir, vibase allows you to quickly edit the data in your databases using the legendary VIM editor.
Call vibase from the command line, and it will load the specified table into a temporary CSV file. Once you have finished editing the file, it will compare the differences and run the appropriate Update or Delete queries.
WARNING: This version of vibase is in early development. It is young. It's hungry. IT WANTS TO EAT YOUR DATA!!! Just so you know...
> pip install vibase
Or perhaps:
> pip3 install vibase
> vibase [sqlite file] [table]
Vibase can directly load a SQLite database file.
> vibase [module] [table]
Vibase supports loading database connections through a python module. The first DBI connection found in the top level of the supplied module will be used. The module should be loadable by python 3.
To connect to a postgresql database named cookiejar, you might create a file cjar.py:
from psycopg2 import connect
conn = connect(host="localhost", \
database="cookiejar", \
user="me", \
You may then edit the ingredients table:
> vibase cjar.py ingredients
If you don't wish to store your totally unguessable password in the python file, use the getpass module:
from psycopg2 import connect
from getpass import getpass
conn = connect(host="localhost", \
database="cookiejar", \
user="me", \
Tested on PostgreSQL and SQLite.
Ben McGunigle bnmcgn (at) gmail.com
Apache License version 2.0