
Node.js 4.3.1 Platforms OS X | Windows | Linux

What is this repository for?

  • Quick summary: Google Map Street View by Node.js
  • Version 1.0.0

How do I get set up?

  1. Install nodejs on your computer:

  2. Oepn your Terminal/Command Line Tool.

  3. go to Project Path: cd /path

  4. Install modeules: npm install (if you encouter permission problems: sudo npm install)

  5. run the project: node index.js

  6. Open on your browser.

  7. You will see Google Map Street View.

  8. open iOS Controller

  9. Enjoy it.

  10. Remember Close the sever by Ctl+c

How to run program

  • Use CMD/Terminal

Contribution guidelines

  • Bo Cheng Huang