
Monitor your EDF consumption with an RSS feed.

Primary LanguageKotlin


Monitor your EDF consumption with an RSS feed.

Docker instructions

Building and pushing the image to Docker Hub

docker image rm bodlulu/edf-to-rss:latest
DOCKER_USERNAME=<your docker hub login> DOCKER_PASSWORD=<your docker hub password> ./gradlew dockerPushImage

Running the image

docker pull bodlulu/edf-to-rss
docker run \
-p <PORT TO LISTEN TO>:8080 \
-v <path to directory containing playwright browser binaries>:/playwright-browsers \
-v <path to directory containing your storage-state.json file>:/storage-state \
-e TZ=`cat /etc/timezone` \
-e DEBUG='pw:api' \
-e EDF_EMAIL=<your EDF email> \
-e EDF_PASSWORD=<your EDF password> \
-e EDF_ADDRESS_REGEX=<a regex to match your address, to find the corresponding contract id, e.g. '.*LECLERC.*'> \