Quasar and GraphQL
State Without Vuex
For this demo we are going to use GraphQL and integrating vue-apollo https://apollo.vuejs.org/ with Quasar and the Quasar Apollo App Extension https://github.com/quasarframework/app-extension-apollo.
Install Quasar CLI and create a project
npm install -g @quasar/cli
quasar create graphql-demo
quasar dev
install Apollo and vue-apollo via Quasar's App Extensions
quasar ext add @quasar/apollo
Remove the extension
quasar ext remove @quasar/apollo
Set up the vue compiler to accept "dangerous tagged template strings"
Go to your quasar.conf.js file and enter the following under the build property.
chainWebpack (chain, { isServer, isClient }) {
.tap(options => {
options.transpileOptions = {
transforms: {
dangerousTaggedTemplateString: true
return options
To use .gql or .graphql files add this
The build property shoud look like this
build: {
vueRouterMode: 'hash', // available values: 'hash', 'history'
chainWebpack (chain, { isServer, isClient }) {
.tap(options => {
options.transpileOptions = {
transforms: {
dangerousTaggedTemplateString: true
return options
This is where your GraphQL endpoint is added.
The Folder in src quasar-app-extension-apollo
In appollo-client-config.js
you can add Apollo Client configuration options.
In apollo-client-hooks.js
you can add your custom code for processing before or after the client is initialized. For instance, you might want to add code for auhorization after the client in created.