
mnist classification with pytorch using Convolutional NeuralNetwork and NeuralNetwork

Primary LanguagePython


a simple mnist classification with pytorch using Convolutional NeuralNetwork and NeuralNetwork.


  • python 3.6 +

  • pytorch 1.0 +

  • logging

  • torchvision

  • matplotlib

How to use

  • Train MNIST models:

    • For CNN model(you should choose a model in the code): python CNN_MNIST.py
    • For NN model: python NN_MNIST.py
  • Test our models:

    • To draw a diagram for our models: python plot_linechart.py
    • To test our models on realistic image: python USE_CNN.py

Some results


Results of some comparative tests.

Model Accuracy Loss
NN(NeuralNetwork) 95.33% 0.1687
CNN with 5*5 kernel 98.75% 0.0065
CNN with 3*3 kernel + padding 98.20% 0.0038
CNN with 5*5 kernel + padding 98.90% 0.0167
CNN with 5*5 kernel + BatchNorm2d 99.15% 0.0001
CNN with 5*5 kernel + dropout 98.50% 0.0302

add image

Test on realistic image

add image