
Epidemiological and demographic data of confirmed cases in the 2019-nCoV outbreak.

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Epidemiological and demographic data of confirmed cases in the 2019-nCoV outbreak, based on public news. The link of data is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1itaohdPiAeniCXNlntNztZ_oRvjh0HsGuJXUJWET008/edit?ts=5e2980cb&pli=1#gid=0, or csv files attached (last updated: 2:20 am, 4th February 2020 Beijing time).

Specific Contributors

(the order is alphabetical of last name, not indicative of personal contribution)

Name Email Twitter Github
Bernardo Gutierrez bernardo.gutierrez@zoo.ox.ac.uk @B_Gutierrez_G
Sarah Hill sarah.hill@zoo.ox.ac.uk @Hill_SarahC
Moritz Kraemer moritz.kraemer@zoo.ox.ac.uk @mougk @mougk
Alyssa Loskill aloskill@bu.edu
Sumiko Mekaru srmekaru@gmail.com @Sumiko_Mekaru
David Pigott pigottdm@uw.edu @davidmpigott
Sam Scarpino s.scarpino@northeastern.edu @svscarpino
Kara Sewalk Kara.Sewalk@childrens.harvard.edu @kara_sewalk
Lin Wang lin.wang@pasteur.fr @fdlwang
Jessie Wu chiehhsi.wu@gmail.com @jessiewu
Bo Xu xu-b15@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn @BoXu55686629 @BoXu123