- Step 1
Select your customized window size and playground size. - Step 2
- right click: Tetromino move right
- left click: Tetromino move left
- Step 3
- wheel move forward: Tetromino rotate counter-clockwise
- wheel move backward: Tetromino rotate clockwise
- Step 4
Offset included! You can try your awesome move without crashing the wall or existing Tetrominoes!!
- The game will be pause if the cursor is within the main playground area.
- When the cursor move within the falling piece, the Tetromino will randomly change its type with penalty on your score.
- Make sure Java is successfully installed which includes Java JDK and compiler. ref link
java -version
javac -version
- Run above commands to check environment setting and availability.
- cd to src folder, compile and run program.
javac Tetris/*.java
java Tetris/Main