
osu! Statistics for Discord

Primary LanguageJavaScript

BoatBot Lazer v2.1.2

osu! statistics for discord forked from supportbot @ iaace-NA/SupportBot (c) 2018; source available, all rights reserved

current users

General Features

  • Per server preferences
    • custom prefixes
    • enable/disable release notifications
    • enable/disable forced prefixes
    • enable/disable automatic beatmap responses
  • 2500-5000 server (guild) capacity with minimal initial configuration involved
  • Processes
    • 3 shards implemented as separate processes (blocking)
      • (Future, not implemented) +1 process per shard for realtime music playback/streaming (non-blocking)
    • 1 parent process to startup all 3 shards (blocking)
    • 1 internal (stateful) API process to cache external API requests and to handle database operations (blocking)
      • HTTPS for database operations
      • wss for bidirectional discord shard related communications
      • api key authentication
    • (Future, not implemented) 1 child process of the internal API to handle polling and tracking (blocking)
    • (Future, not implemented) 1 website process, accessing the internal API via HTTPS requests (blocking)
  • Configurable API caching timeouts per endpoint, per command
  • Feedback commands
  • Configurable user and server rate limiting
    • Owners bypass rate limits
    • Large servers have higher rate limits
  • Rate limit abuse watch
  • Global disciplinary commands for users and servers
    • Permaban
    • Temporary ban
    • Warn
    • Make internal note
  • Ability to set multiple owners
  • Ability to audit owner disciplinary actions
  • Ability to globally broadcast messages
  • Tiered permissions system
    • Bot owners
    • Server owners
    • Server administrators
    • Server moderators
    • Server bot commanders
    • Normal members
  • Records of all commands used
    • Time to respond
    • Cache hit rate
    • All related IDs
    • Audit logs automatically remove entries older than 1 year (default)

Format of Repository


  • major: unstable, next major revision v+.0.0 : we removed a feature
  • minor: unstable, next minor revision vX.+.0 : we added a feature
  • patch: unstable, next patch revision vX.X.+ : we fixed a problem
  • master: stable, most current release


  • api: internal api files
  • data: TLS certs and other local data
  • discord: discord bot files
  • example-api-docs: example responses from the osu API
  • install: bash installation files for 1 time use only, Ubuntu OS
  • releasenotes: release notes for BoatBot
  • start: startup configs for pm2
  • tests: manual test cases
  • utils: utility classes and functions


  • mongodb 3.x
  • gnuplot

npm Dependencies

  • pm2 (global)
  • getopts 2.2.3
  • discord.js 11.4.2
  • mongoose 5.3.11
  • request 2.88.0
  • mathjs 5.2.3
  • console.table 0.10.0
  • json5 2.1.0
  • express 4.16.4
  • express-ws 4.0.0
  • uws 9.148.0
  • ws 6.1.0
  • xregexp 4.2.0

Minimum System Requirements

  • RAM: 1 GB
  • HDD: 1 GB
  • CPU: 4 Thread, Base clock 1.2GHz+
  • LAN: 12 Mbps Down/4 Mbps Up


see https://docs.iaace.gg/


see https://github.com/iaace-NA/SupportBot/wiki